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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 98 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Route, Matthew P WL - IT Research Computin Professional $ 86,723.16
Maguire Jackson, Colleen P WL - Vet Medicine Admin M/P Professional $ 86,698.68
Betten, John D WL - EM Strategic Initiat Professional $ 86,679.84
Wright, Thomas B WL - SPS M/P Professional $ 86,673.36
McFadden, Patrick A WL - Capital Program Mana Professional $ 86,665.08
Pascuzzi, Pete E WL - Libraries Admin Faculty $ 86,651.52
Van Hoosier, Daniel J WL - Risk Management M/P Professional $ 86,616.32
Anderson, Theresa M WL - Animal Sciences Clinical/Research $ 86,580.48
Chapman, Nancy C WL - The Pharmacy M/P Professional $ 86,557.47
Olaru, Carina WL - Latino Cultural Cent M/P Management $ 86,557.38
Seals, John M WL - Ofc of VP Stu Life M/P Professional $ 86,484.56
Watkins, Deborah L WL - Financial Aid M/P Management $ 86,478.72
Jang, Julie K WL - SPS M/P Professional $ 86,456.28
Utermark, Tiffany V WL - Risk Management M/P Professional $ 86,445.92
Joyce, Bradley R WL - Ag Research and Grad M/P Professional $ 86,443.56
Gaines, Daniel W WL - Master's Programs M/P Professional $ 86,441.76
Crowe, Marta A WL - Computer Science Continuing Lecturer $ 86,429.68
Franks, Richard M WL - ECN Professional $ 86,421.84
Ziaie, Babak WL - Electrical & Com Faculty $ 86,405.87
Walker, Victoria L WL - Curriculum & Ins Clinical/Research $ 86,387.33
Zhou, Yun WL - Botany & Plant P Faculty $ 86,385.28
Resetich, Tatlin R WL - PHAi M/P Professional $ 86,371.23
Vandergraff, Donna J WL - Nutrition Science M/P Professional $ 86,368.44
Sinks, Jeremiah L WL - TAP/MEP Professional $ 86,359.36
Talavage, Thomas M WL - Electrical & Com Faculty $ 86,352.24
Wan, Ping WL - Ind St. Chemist M/P Management $ 86,347.32
Whitford, Denise K WL - Educational Studies Faculty $ 86,215.19
Bartos, James M WL - Ind St. Chemist M/P Management $ 86,204.76
Kulathintekizhakethil, Mathew J WL - Civil Engr Professional $ 86,204.40
Tresa Varghese, Sherin WL - IT Business Solution Professional $ 86,195.32

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Franks, FW - 2HHS Fire/Police Mgmt
Lahrman, WL - Central Staff Benefi Operations/Technical
Gutierrez, WL - Black Cultural Cente faculty
Hass, Zachary FW - Music Temporary A/P
Gyi, CAL - Chemistry Admin/Prof

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