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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 123 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Hettinger, Loribeth A WL - Purdue ID Card Ofc M/P Management $ 73,589.88
Tyson, Ryan M WL - Rad & Environ Mg M/P Management $ 73,569.60
Dempsey, Michelle L WL - Distribution Systems Service $ 73,553.25
Harwell, Paul B WL - Disability Resource M/P Management $ 73,526.65
Brewer, Monte R WL - Operations & Mai Management $ 73,522.00
Wagner, Ryan B WL - Mechanical Engineeri Clinical/Research $ 73,508.35
Shockey, Glen C WL - Energy Management Professional $ 73,502.16
Richardson, Gwen E WL - PUSH M/P Professional $ 73,493.20
O'Neall, Andrew E WL - CAPS Professional $ 73,429.02
Newberry, Joshua F WL - IT Student Solutions Professional $ 73,428.72
Onuorah, Esther WL - Nursing Continuing Lecturer $ 73,418.16
Allu, Srinivasa Rao WL - Chemistry Post Doc $ 73,398.44
Terekhov, Anton I WL - Food Science M/P Professional $ 73,382.40
Gikas, Kristin N WL - FP&A Professional $ 73,374.12
Johns, Jeremy C WL - TAP/MEP Professional $ 73,320.84
Shao, Gang WL - Libraries Admin Faculty $ 73,305.68
Askeroth, Jacob H WL - Program Support M/P Management $ 73,293.92
Jones, Amy J WL - Academic Programs M/P Professional $ 73,287.69
Sisk, Damon C WL - Polytechnic New Alba Continuing Lecturer $ 73,270.66
Richards, Scott M WL - TAP/MEP Professional $ 73,268.04
Kalbaugh, Kirby K WL - Hort/Landscape Archi Professional $ 73,254.00
Beal, Andrew R WL - College IT M/P Professional $ 73,239.60
Sorenson, Chris E WL - Energy Management Service $ 73,210.54
Bechtold, Naomi S WL - Hospitality & To M/P Professional $ 73,209.36
Price, Philip L WL - Leadership & Dev Professional $ 73,209.36
McMillan, David G WL - Infrastructure Professional $ 73,181.84
Fields, Jeneen S WL - Botany & Plant P M/P Professional $ 73,160.12
Eads, Charles S WL - Hall of Music Professional $ 73,156.92
Parrott, Daniel W WL - CoS Admin Professional $ 73,133.64
Aguilar, Jeannete WL - Eng. Education Continuing Lecturer $ 73,132.64

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Goldsberry, FW - 2HHS Clerical
Doering, Otto WL - Central Staff Benefi Fire/Police Mgmt
Everhart, WL - Black Cultural Cente Operations/Technical
Gore, FW - Music faculty
Duerstock, Bradley CAL - Chemistry Temporary A/P

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