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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 113 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Johnson, Craig M WL - Boiler Gold Rush M/P Management $ 78,212.36
Gutwein, Becky L WL - Internal Audit Admin M/P Professional $ 78,210.29
Lei, Jijun WL - IT Business Solution Professional $ 78,185.56
Connolly, Blake A WL - Nutrition Science M/P Management $ 78,113.40
McCarty, Eric R WL - IT Business Solution Professional $ 78,091.92
McDermott, Jacqueline E WL - CoE Admin M/P Professional $ 78,064.64
Wilcoxson, Mitsue A WL - Health & Kinesio Clinical/Research $ 78,058.05
Gillenwater, Kevin T WL - IT Student Solutions Professional $ 78,046.32
Jonker, Steven H WL - WL WILY Housing M/P Management $ 78,043.92
Woodcox, Stephanie G WL - Engagement M/P Professional $ 78,027.12
Martin, Jerry G WL - Police Dept. Police Hourly $ 78,026.95
Piperov, Stefan R WL - IT Research Computin Professional $ 78,008.76
Aguiar, Angel H WL - Gtap Data M/P Professional $ 77,977.32
Hudson, Tracy S WL - Birck Nanotechnology M/P Professional $ 77,973.46
Wu, Li WL - Chemical Genomics Re M/P Professional $ 77,924.40
Zhang, Ying WL - Mathematics Continuing Lecturer $ 77,924.11
Gritt, Anne M WL - SLHS Speech Clinic R Clinical/Research $ 77,921.28
Shaffer, Bryan D WL - Scholarly Publishing M/P Management $ 77,920.80
Walker, Kathleen R WL - Ofc of Provost Admin M/P Professional $ 77,885.40
Sherwood, Michael S WL - Mechanical Engineeri Professional $ 77,867.96
Case, Amanda WL - Educational Studies Faculty $ 77,865.52
Bisesi, Donald C WL - TAP/MEP Professional $ 77,864.88
Focosi, Michael D WL - CoS Admin Professional $ 77,862.96
Ballotti, Dean M WL - Curriculum & Ins Continuing Lecturer $ 77,857.56
Young, Julie M WL - Botany & Plant P Professional $ 77,852.12
Begeske, Jasmine L WL - Educational Studies Clinical/Research $ 77,831.45
Will, Melissa C WL - Political Science Clinical/Research $ 77,829.24
Bailey, Aaron M WL - TAP/MEP Professional $ 77,813.40
Johnson, Alexandria V WL - EAPS Clinical/Research $ 77,813.40
Wei, Ning WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 77,813.09

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Steele, James FW - Professional Studies Limited Term Lecture
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Nayiga, WL - 4Police Dept Clerical
Haley, WL - 4Biomed Eng Fire/Police Mgmt
Mullen, Bill FW - 2HHS Operations/Technical

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