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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 367 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Koeller, Rebecca L WL - Psychological Scienc Service $ 14,619.45
Westerman, Richard P WL - Central Staff Benefi Professional $ 14,571.95
Voigt, Thomas C WL - Asset Management M/P Professional $ 14,565.52
Shepler, Joshua D WL - Building Services - Service $ 14,549.04
Featherston, Sheila M WL - English Service $ 14,539.80
Wiley, Nathaniel J WL - Ford Dining Service $ 14,531.05
Beatty, Candace K WL - RAWLS Bistro Service $ 14,518.68
Bouftas, Belkacem WL - Language & Cult Limited Term Lecture $ 14,500.00
Byers, Diana L WL - Dept. of Management Support $ 14,499.85
Milburg, Ashley N WL - Building Services - Service $ 14,496.42
Hash, Brenda S WL - Technology Rs Center Support $ 14,456.60
Holladay, Louanne K WL - Technology Rs Center Support $ 14,456.60
Jung, Soyoung WL - Rueff School of Desi Limited Term Lecture $ 14,455.15
Mannodi Kanakkithodi, Arun Kumar WL - Materials Eng Faculty $ 14,450.35
Rainwater, Gabrielle N WL - Starbucks on 3rd Service $ 14,431.89
Yeager, Jewel A WL - Forestry & Natur Service $ 14,404.24
Gibian, Katherine P WL - Forestry & Natur Temporary $ 14,400.00
Dowdy, Nicolas J WL - Entomology Post Doc $ 14,369.92
Overley, Ciera R WL - Starbucks Service $ 14,358.02
Gaddam, Vikram WL - MedChem/Molecul Phar Post Doc $ 14,351.37
Carlisle, Rita L WL - SPED Degree Program Limited Term Lecture $ 14,339.75
Stuller, Steven C WL - Earhart Dining Service $ 14,337.37
Dick, William A WL - Com Mfg & Sim C M/P Professional $ 14,310.87
Taylor, Laura A WL - Entomology Temporary $ 14,295.00
Crago, Sarah L WL - Course Design & Management $ 14,283.34
Dutton, Wanda A WL - Central Staff Benefi Support $ 14,281.01
Billet, Logan S WL - Forestry & Natur Temporary $ 14,256.20
Szymborski, Jay O WL - Forestry & Natur Temporary $ 14,256.00
Baniya, Sweta WL - Tech Leadership Temporary $ 14,243.60
Scott, Shaun E WL - LD&T Degree Prog Limited Term Lecture $ 14,212.05

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Garimella, FW - Professional Studies Limited Term Lecture
Romines, WL - Athletics Facilities Professional
Karimzadeh, WL - 4Conferences Student
Steele, James WL - 4Police Dept Clerical
Garwood, WL - 4Biomed Eng Fire/Police Mgmt
Gascho, FW - 2HHS Operations/Technical

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