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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 309 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Sweat, Ragan M WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 30,706.56
Robson, Louise A WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 30,705.02
Bray, Donna R WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 30,681.22
Cox, Carol G WL - Educational Studies Support $ 30,669.48
Pyatt, Deanann K WL - Building Services - Service $ 30,643.72
Ehlers, Peggy A WL - Field Extension M/P Professional $ 30,594.34
Marquis, Eric R WL - Building Services - Service $ 30,592.61
Alvey, Jacob G WL - Student Flight Instr Continuing Lecturer $ 30,592.55
Kraus, Jennifer A WL - Rad & Environ Mg Service $ 30,583.68
Tarvin, Amy E WL - Ground Recharge Oper Support $ 30,577.20
Christian, Erin N WL - ADDL Service $ 30,571.99
Luigs, Jessica L WL - Communications Support $ 30,561.69
Flook, Sarah M WL - CoS Admin Support $ 30,544.13
Spangler, Kirby M WL - Ticket Office Support $ 30,537.86
Schumacher, Leslie K WL - Purdue Online Admini Temporary $ 30,533.45
Haseman, Thomas D WL - Hort/Landscape Archi Service $ 30,494.00
Alvarez Gonzalez, Wilberto WL - Ground Recharge Oper Service $ 30,492.55
Lewis, Tina C WL - Bursar Support $ 30,483.98
Balser, Amy M WL - Lg. Animal Medicine Service $ 30,456.40
Burse, Taffaney M WL - Wiley Dining Service $ 30,446.36
Weldon, Betty J WL - Procurement Services Support $ 30,431.73
Muro Villanueva, Fabiola WL - Biochemistry Post Doc $ 30,419.19
Miller, Mary Ellen X WL - Police Dept. Support $ 30,412.80
Ospina Larrea, Ana M WL - Biological Sciences Professional $ 30,391.80
Raber, Tyler J WL - Animal Science Farm Service $ 30,391.36
Stemick, Shannon L WL - Hospitality & To Support $ 30,390.02
DeMien, Teresa L WL - Ofc of Grad Admissio Support $ 30,390.02
Pierson, Carol S WL - Nutrition Science Service $ 30,390.00
Nguyen, Juliet WL - Purdue Conferences Support $ 30,387.97
Bower, Vicki E WL - Business Office Support $ 30,370.72

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Romines, FW - Professional Studies Limited Term Lecture
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Steele, James WL - 4Conferences Student
Garwood, WL - 4Police Dept Clerical
Gascho, WL - 4Biomed Eng Fire/Police Mgmt
Gatewood, FW - 2HHS Operations/Technical

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