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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 373 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Sychev, Demid WL - Electrical & Com Post Doc $ 12,501.09
Miller, Alita F WL - Biomedical Eng Temporary $ 12,500.07
Hooper, William C WL - Rolls Royce Limited Term Lecture $ 12,500.02
Baumgardner, Joel L WL - Health & Kinesio Temporary $ 12,500.00
Allbee, William E WL - Biometrics Limited Term Lecture $ 12,499.97
Wahl, Libby A WL - Libraries Admin Support $ 12,497.94
Koontz, Benjamin A WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 12,487.84
Royalty, Cynthia G WL - Field Extension Temporary $ 12,480.00
Undemane Shreekrishna, Shreesha Kumar WL - Chem Engr Temporary $ 12,480.00
Campbell, Nathan W WL - Health & Kinesio Service $ 12,454.80
Carlton, Flaviana J WL - Building Services - Service $ 12,443.95
Lucies-Stevenson, Jeanna V WL - Building Services - Service $ 12,429.23
Bolyard, Caroline M WL - VTH Radx Therapy Professional $ 12,417.03
Besser, Erin D WL - LD&T Degree Prog Limited Term Lecture $ 12,415.32
Hutchcraft, Ashley L WL - Libraries Admin Support $ 12,408.24
Jackson, Jasmine C WL - Political Science Fellowship Pre Doc $ 12,407.49
Patel, Dharmini R WL - English Limited Term Lecture $ 12,398.63
Yuan, Fang WL - Chemistry Post Doc $ 12,395.64
Papamichalis, Marios WL - Statistics Post Doc $ 12,394.20
Stetler, Victoria K WL - Rueff School of Desi Limited Term Lecture $ 12,365.02
Nunez, Madelina E WL - School of IDIS Fellowship Pre Doc $ 12,350.00
Wann, Ai-jen WL - Language & Cult Limited Term Lecture $ 12,345.02
Dean, Barry A WL - Building Services - Service $ 12,317.49
Feick, Carol A WL - Nutrition Science Service $ 12,303.80
Freeman, Janice C WL - Windsor Dining Service $ 12,300.08
Lin, Dergan WL - Electrical & Com Temporary $ 12,284.96
Ziolkowski, Rebecca A WL - Public Health Support $ 12,271.36
Grubbs, Samuel J WL - Political Science Limited Term Lecture $ 12,270.04
McIntyre, Darcy L WL - Building Services - Service $ 12,250.47
Mays, Gregory T WL - Building Services - Service $ 12,233.66

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Haley, WL - 4Biomed Eng Fire/Police Mgmt
Mullen, Bill FW - 2HHS Operations/Technical

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