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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 69 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Yu, Denny WL - Industrial Engineeri Faculty $ 109,284.53
Goldenstein, Christopher S WL - Mechanical Engineeri Faculty $ 109,278.93
Eason, Sarah H WL - Human Dev/Fam Studie Faculty $ 109,273.15
Chambers, Brett A WL - LA Info Tech M/P Management $ 109,258.20
Frueh, Carolin E WL - Aero & Astro Faculty $ 109,250.65
Lipton, Mark A WL - Chemistry Faculty $ 109,208.92
Munguia Vazquez, Raymundo WL - SLHS Clinical/Research $ 109,168.92
Leaird, Daniel E WL - Electrical & Com M/P Professional $ 109,160.88
Slopsema, James F WL - Strategic Initiative M/P Professional $ 109,118.76
Thomas, Richard K WL - Rueff School of Desi Faculty $ 109,111.42
Levine, Michael WL - Statistics Faculty $ 109,097.22
Watson, William R WL - Curriculum & Ins Faculty $ 109,089.90
Foster, Kirk S WL - Biomedical Eng Professional $ 109,066.44
Letts, Richard J WL - Infrastructure Servi M/P Management $ 109,059.12
Miller, Jon M WL - Infrastructure Servi M/P Management $ 109,057.08
Ambike, Satyajit S WL - Health & Kinesio Faculty $ 109,027.62
Carpi, Giovanna WL - Biological Sciences Faculty $ 108,987.52
Loesch-Fries, Loretta S WL - Botany & Plant P Faculty $ 108,954.12
Domonkos, Richard WL - Civil Engr M/P Management $ 108,947.76
Frisbee, Marty D WL - EAPS Faculty $ 108,939.08
Gluhovsky, Alexander WL - EAPS Faculty $ 108,925.96
Reddivari, Lavanya WL - Food Science Faculty $ 108,905.33
Boerman, Jacquelyn P WL - Animal Sciences Faculty $ 108,887.29
Platt, Donald O WL - English Faculty $ 108,884.10
Pawley, Alice L WL - Eng. Education Faculty $ 108,838.06
Sola, Mario F WL - ADDL Clinical/Research $ 108,829.44
Linett, Maren T WL - English Faculty $ 108,824.13
Wilkinson, Andrew D WL - PHAi M/P Professional $ 108,794.20
Robledo, David C WL - CoE Admin M/P Professional $ 108,782.40
Stewart, Natalie M WL - PHAi M/P Management $ 108,751.20

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Steele, James WL - 4Conferences Student
Garwood, WL - 4Police Dept Clerical
Gascho, WL - 4Biomed Eng Fire/Police Mgmt
Gatewood, FW - 2HHS Operations/Technical

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