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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 366 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Smolek, Kelly L WL - Windsor Dining Service $ 14,949.10
Kaishian, Patricia J WL - Botany & Plant P Post Doc $ 14,938.45
Raghothama, Bharathi WL - Business Ofc Support $ 14,935.10
Wu, Tongyu WL - Food Science Temporary $ 14,932.72
Stevenson, Tammy M WL - Building Services - Service $ 14,932.05
Inskeep, Kathleen E WL - Pharmacy Service $ 14,918.00
Ayers, Zachary WL - Mechanical Engineeri Fellowship Pre Doc $ 14,913.92
Blaisdell, Matthew G WL - Mechanical Engineeri Fellowship Pre Doc $ 14,907.64
Zalasin, Jamie M WL - CAPS Resident $ 14,865.42
Dell, Dennis L WL - Curriculum & Ins Limited Term Lecture $ 14,854.34
Edwards, Daniel J WL - Entomology Temporary $ 14,853.50
She, Baike WL - Electrical & Com Post Doc $ 14,833.75
Wahlstrom, Lynne M WL - Field Extension Professional $ 14,813.26
Sanford, William J WL - Ford Dining Service $ 14,798.26
Britton, Brianna WL - Food Science Fellowship Pre Doc $ 14,769.28
Nkemngong, Carine A WL - Food Science Fellowship Pre Doc $ 14,769.28
Liu, Chunghorng R WL - Industrial Engineeri Faculty $ 14,759.85
David, Emily A WL - Biological Sciences Fellowship Pre Doc $ 14,753.94
Luc, Emily K WL - Field Extension Professional $ 14,750.00
Morrison, Wallace B WL - Vet Medicine Admin Temporary $ 14,732.67
Zuniga, Lucia D WL - EAPS Temporary $ 14,731.24
Terlep, Timothy A WL - Electrical & Com Fellowship Pre Doc $ 14,723.50
Harmon, Joshua R WL - Civil Engr Fellowship Pre Doc $ 14,723.09
Guy, Kelly A WL - Diagnostic Imaging Service $ 14,719.52
Braun, Amanda M WL - Mechanical Engineeri Fellowship Pre Doc $ 14,718.08
Boeh, Hannah C WL - Nutrition Science Limited Term Lecture $ 14,700.03
Robledo, Evangelina WL - Building Services - Service $ 14,694.68
Guo, Liuyue WL - Chem Engr Temporary $ 14,664.00
Sommer, Alexandra L WL - Psychological Scienc Service $ 14,660.33
Kowalkowski, Anthony D WL - Psychological Scienc Temporary $ 14,657.10

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