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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 151 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Moore, Kevin C WL - PMU Admin M/P Management $ 63,733.20
Kennedy, Athena M WL - New Program Developm M/P Management $ 63,716.85
Daigle, Andrew M WL - CERIS Professional $ 63,685.92
Sorg, Angela S WL - Field Extension Professional $ 63,594.24
Wright, Jonathan D WL - Communications Continuing Lecturer $ 63,592.50
Stierwalt, Courtney R WL - CES -4H M/P Professional $ 63,583.80
Scott, Bryan K WL - SPS M/P Management $ 63,578.16
Dehaven, Carole B WL - Health & Kinesio Continuing Lecturer $ 63,570.80
Kilpatrick, Michael S WL - Vet Medicine Admin Professional $ 63,559.20
Widmer, Neal S WL - Engr Techn Faculty $ 63,521.45
Polikaitis, Raymond C WL - Managerial Accountin Professional $ 63,521.04
Jones, Julie D WL - Field Extension Professional $ 63,506.40
Cisneros, Beatriz WL - Chemistry Professional $ 63,462.09
Zielinski, Denise L WL - Biological Sciences Continuing Lecturer $ 63,456.82
Mate, Robert L WL - Admissions Professional $ 63,455.20
Osman, Marcia L WL - Financial Aid M/P Management $ 63,453.96
Eden, Christi D WL - Communications Continuing Lecturer $ 63,433.58
Royer, Mark S WL - UR Administration Professional $ 63,417.60
Eoff, Austin T WL - Men's Golf Professional $ 63,398.32
Kelley, Paul J WL - Ind St. Chemist Professional $ 63,395.88
Amberger, Jacob L WL - Ofc - VP Ethics & Professional $ 63,391.20
Jacobs, Lynette A WL - CoS Admin Support $ 63,354.62
Humphrey, Sean E WL - Biological Sciences Continuing Lecturer $ 63,341.79
Baldwin, Philip R WL - Aero & Astro Professional $ 63,322.38
Brindley, Jacob A WL - Dept. of Economics Continuing Lecturer $ 63,296.38
Cruz, Esmeralda WL - Field Extension Professional $ 63,292.20
Dalder, Lauren T WL - IT Student Solutions Professional $ 63,292.20
Avramova, Larisa V WL - Biological Sciences Professional $ 63,290.88
Grimes, Lynn A WL - Master Data Manageme Professional $ 63,289.92
Miller, Julia K WL - Field Extension Professional $ 63,252.24

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