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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 386 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
da Cunha, Fernanda M WL - Ag & Biological Post Doc $ 7,920.46
Burgess, Daniel S WL - CoEduc Admin Temporary $ 7,920.00
Hisano, Harumi WL - Hillenbrand Dining Service $ 7,916.85
Cottrell, Joey L WL - Building Services - Service $ 7,895.21
Schmitz, Valerie T WL - LD&T Degree Prog Limited Term Lecture $ 7,890.19
Weston, Kristi K WL - Monon Dept Service $ 7,880.13
Saadi-Klein, Jaspar WL - Plant Science Mgmt Temporary $ 7,875.93
McDaniel, Dominique A WL - Statistics Limited Term Lecture $ 7,873.97
Chen, Da WL - Food Science Post Doc $ 7,858.94
Reffeitt, Courtland M WL - Earhart Dining Service $ 7,839.74
Stout, Stephanie A WL - Academic Services Temporary $ 7,839.00
Ellis, Tyler M WL - Cosi Café Service $ 7,815.98
McCurdy, Larry E WL - Polytechnic Richmond Limited Term Lecture $ 7,783.02
Clark, Jessica N WL - Polytechnic Richmond Limited Term Lecture $ 7,783.00
Piper, Patrick O WL - Polytechnic Richmond Limited Term Lecture $ 7,783.00
Allan, Matthew C WL - Food Science Post Doc $ 7,774.50
Watkins, Alec H WL - Ag & Biological Fellowship Pre Doc $ 7,755.00
Brown, Michael A WL - IT End User Experien Professional $ 7,740.79
Richard, Mack L WL - Health Sciences Limited Term Lecture $ 7,727.53
Brandt, Allie K WL - Rueff School of Desi Limited Term Lecture $ 7,724.98
Troy, Rudy WL - Building Services - Service $ 7,711.27
Lawrie, Nathan S WL - ECN Service $ 7,701.40
Smyth, Shannon C WL - MCDLS Recharge Support $ 7,686.00
Rahman, Munazzah WL - Financial Aid Professional $ 7,677.38
Hong, JiaMei WL - Chem Engr Temporary $ 7,667.50
Bilal, Nasir WL - Mechanical Engineeri Temporary $ 7,650.00
Good, Ryan R WL - Ag Economics Professional $ 7,625.05
Alvarado, Tyler S WL - WL HILL RA Professional $ 7,624.03
Xie, Yijing WL - Aero & Astro Post Doc $ 7,620.71
Bauman, Emily L WL - SLHS Limited Term Lecture $ 7,600.05

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