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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 107 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Carrell, Anthony J WL - CES -4H M/P Professional $ 81,721.80
Keyster, Adam J WL - Asset Management M/P Professional $ 81,650.56
Wible, Kathleen J WL - Eng. Education Continuing Lecturer $ 81,627.84
Schaber, James A WL - Bindley Bioscience M/P Professional $ 81,587.64
Rasche, Nancy J WL - Computer Graphics Te Clinical/Research $ 81,555.59
Grismer, Melinda A WL - Purdue Center for Re Professional $ 81,510.12
White, Richard B WL - Purdue Systems Secur Professional $ 81,457.68
Davis, Cindy M WL - Organizational Effec M/P Management $ 81,443.24
Culver, Scott D WL - Purdue Systems Secur Professional $ 81,404.88
Hurt, Christopher A WL - Ag Economics Faculty $ 81,370.14
Foster, Lorraine R WL - Marketing & Medi M/P Management $ 81,336.25
White, Edward M WL - Ind St. Chemist Professional $ 81,332.20
Crowe, Brandon M WL - Infrastructure Servi Professional $ 81,323.04
Lewicki, Andrzej WL - Physics & Astron M/P Management $ 81,322.10
Suter, Kenneth W WL - Regulatory Affairs A Professional $ 81,274.44
Hynes, Morgan M WL - Eng. Education Faculty $ 81,255.42
Ramirez, Nichole M WL - CoE Admin M/P Professional $ 81,250.04
Doerr, Kevin R WL - Communications M/P Professional $ 81,223.44
Stembaugh, Scott A WL - Infrastructure Servi Professional $ 81,220.08
Harling, Kenneth F WL - Managerial Communica Visiting Faculty $ 81,204.17
Duncan, Daryl E WL - Capital Program Mana Professional $ 81,144.68
Ben-Davies, Carol E WL - HHS Admin Professional $ 81,139.18
Engleking, Steven G WL - Field Extension M/P Professional $ 81,115.08
Moore, Jonathan P WL - Academic Affairs Clinical/Research $ 81,102.18
Vana, Edward S WL - Exploratory Studies Professional $ 81,085.88
Phillips, Margaret L WL - Libraries Admin Faculty $ 81,061.60
Carnes, Mark T WL - Polytechnic Kokomo Clinical/Research $ 81,031.08
Fox, Richard J WL - Ag Sciences Educ &am Professional $ 81,018.84
Garrity, Colleen A WL - ICA Admin M/P Management $ 81,018.20
Barce, Jennifer W WL - Ed-Academic Services M/P Management $ 80,947.20

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Buchanan, FW - 2HHS Fire/Police Mgmt
Isom, WL - Central Staff Benefi Operations/Technical
Romines, WL - Black Cultural Cente faculty
Adibuzzaman, Mohammad FW - Music Temporary A/P
Mullins, CAL - Chemistry Admin/Prof

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