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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 167 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Carlson, Lily-Anne H WL - Instruction Innovati Professional $ 59,319.88
Morrow, Anna L WL - Agronomy Professional $ 59,307.24
Lee, Eun Hye WL - Master's Programs Professional $ 59,306.76
Stahl, Aletha D WL - Cultural Learn Curri Professional $ 59,304.84
Starkey, Scott W WL - Regenstrief Professional $ 59,300.88
Williams, Jessica L WL - SPS M/P Professional $ 59,295.60
Gretencord-Steiner, Jessica M WL - SPS M/P Professional $ 59,295.60
Pujol-Mitchell, Toyya A WL - Industrial Engineeri Visiting Faculty $ 59,292.35
Clayton, Ryan C WL - SPS Management $ 59,291.04
Grott, Joan M WL - Field Extension Professional $ 59,289.92
Higbee, Linda J WL - OCGP Admin Support $ 59,288.08
Clinton, Sara E WL - Auxiliary Professional $ 59,286.48
Janjigian, Christopher WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 59,284.45
Le, Daniel T WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 59,284.45
Roth, Andrew R WL - Ind St. Chemist Professional $ 59,278.20
Swift, Keith D WL - Men's Football Professional $ 59,271.84
Barr, Nicole M WL - Ofc of Grad Admissio Management $ 59,261.28
Wilkins, Michael A WL - Ag Info Tech Professional $ 59,244.57
Love, Samantha N WL - Academic Services Professional $ 59,243.66
Keaton, Timothy J WL - Statistics Visiting Faculty $ 59,242.76
Clever, Kyle L WL - Equine Comm Pract Service $ 59,241.11
Harris, Chelsea J WL - Programs/PSUB Professional $ 59,231.57
Short, Tonya S WL - Field Extension Professional $ 59,224.20
McClure, Gregory A WL - Marketing & Medi Professional $ 59,221.10
Detzner, Joyce L WL - Language & Cult Professional $ 59,190.17
Mullis, Michael D WL - Lass Student Career Professional $ 59,168.40
Cangany, Lisa R WL - Field Extension Professional $ 59,166.12
Folkerts, Jill A WL - Eng. Education Professional $ 59,152.10
Miethke, Debbie K WL - DBM Admin Professional $ 59,138.40
Van Allen, Alex R WL - Operations & Mai Management $ 59,129.30

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Mullen, Bill WL - 4Biomed Eng Fire/Police Mgmt
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