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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 388 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Sivaprakasam, Andrew N WL - Biological Sciences Fellowship Pre Doc $ 7,249.97
Potekin, Randi WL - Mechanical Engineeri Post Doc $ 7,247.12
Kinnun, Jacob J WL - MedChem/Molecul Phar Temporary $ 7,246.99
Cheeseman, Phillip A WL - IT Research Computin Professional $ 7,235.42
Thompson, Ashley WL - Compensation Professional $ 7,223.66
Ortt, Isabelle K WL - Anthropology Temporary $ 7,223.60
Bien, Leocadia B WL - Political Science Temporary $ 7,200.00
Iliuk, Anton B WL - Biochemistry Temporary $ 7,200.00
Omonode, Rex A WL - Agronomy Temporary $ 7,200.00
Yin, Fei WL - Mechanical Engineeri Temporary $ 7,200.00
Lobene, Andrea J WL - Nutrition Science Temporary $ 7,195.41
Kayser, Paula J WL - VP Information Tech Temporary $ 7,154.40
Alcock, Kelly M WL - Curriculum & Ins Limited Term Lecture $ 7,140.56
Wray, Dustin A WL - Building Services - Service $ 7,135.00
Weaver, Kaylen B WL - MCDLS Recharge Support $ 7,114.80
Cavallo, Kristen A WL - MFRI Conf Temporary $ 7,109.55
Huang, I-Lun WL - Rueff School of Desi Limited Term Lecture $ 7,040.09
Gould, Justin A WL - Ofc of Provost Admin M/P Professional $ 7,026.72
Zhang, Henry S WL - Computer Information Temporary $ 7,006.00
Tarasewicz, Samuel R WL - Eng. Education Temporary $ 6,978.00
Kjeldgaard, MacKenzie K WL - Entomology Post Doc $ 6,976.40
Bevilaqua, Paul M WL - Aero & Astro Visiting Faculty $ 6,940.48
Linnemeier, William D WL - Animal Science Farm Temporary $ 6,937.95
Malshe, Savita A WL - Eng. Education Professional $ 6,931.77
Delaney, Martha L WL - LSAMP/AGEP Support $ 6,929.37
Washington, Makeba L WL - PMU Admin Support $ 6,920.50
Greek, Angela H WL - Ford Dining Service $ 6,889.62
Clevenger, Amber N WL - Heat & Power Temporary $ 6,872.50
DeBoy, James M WL - Athletics Facilities Temporary $ 6,866.19
Qi, Yaping WL - Quantum Sci/Eng Inst Temporary $ 6,862.50

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Walters, WL - 4Biomed Eng Fire/Police Mgmt
Farley, FW - 2HHS Operations/Technical

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