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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 93 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Huang, Wan J WL - Curriculum & Ins Clinical/Research $ 90,185.16
Kenner, Winifred L WL - IT Student Solutions Professional $ 90,183.36
Shininger, Keith M WL - IT Student Solutions M/P Management $ 90,162.24
Dunn, Edward J WL - IT End User Experien M/P Management $ 90,097.76
Hoying, Mary E WL - Nursing Clinical/Research $ 90,085.76
Jansen, Michelle R WL - Employee Relations M/P Management $ 90,076.20
Lin, Xiaozhu WL - Electrical & Com Faculty $ 90,073.63
Jones, Elizabeth A WL - Nursing Clinical/Research $ 90,061.33
Standifer, Anthony N WL - Police Dept. Police Hourly $ 90,020.70
Sardeshmukh, Swanand V WL - Aero & Astro M/P Professional $ 90,014.28
Snodgrass, Lisa A WL - Educational Studies Faculty $ 90,006.95
Hawkins, Laura B WL - Nursing Clinical/Research $ 90,004.36
Fouts, Christopher C WL - Men's Baseball Professional $ 90,001.92
Rooks, William A WL - Marketing & Comm M/P Management $ 89,956.33
Burrow, Edward K WL - TAP/MEP Professional $ 89,918.28
Newcomb, Kenneth A WL - Energy & Utiliti Professional $ 89,849.64
Flinn, Randal J WL - Operations & Mai M/P Management $ 89,801.26
Wetli, Russell A WL - Operations & Mai M/P Management $ 89,793.30
Courtney, Paula D WL - IT End User Experien Professional $ 89,781.06
Altstatt, Rosanne WL - Natl and Intl Schola M/P Management $ 89,779.08
Collins, Ryan G WL - Sports Medicine M/P Professional $ 89,762.42
Lentner, Geoffrey R WL - IT Research Computin Professional $ 89,753.76
Foote, Jeremy D WL - Communications Faculty $ 89,722.87
Dale, Summer L WL - Police Dept. Police Hourly $ 89,721.03
Armintrout, Michael D WL - Purdue Convocations M/P Management $ 89,649.60
Nagle, Amy M WL - Nursing Clinical/Research $ 89,637.05
Faltens, Tanya A WL - NCN Professional $ 89,629.08
Beever, James E WL - Capital Program Mana Professional $ 89,595.73
Young, Michael A WL - TAP/MEP Professional $ 89,579.64
Taylor McGrady, Kellie L WL - Vet Medicine Admin Continuing Lecturer $ 89,577.25

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Padilla, WL Continuing Lecturer
Gorka, FW - Professional Studies facult
Romines, WL - Athletics Facilities Limited Term Lecture
Aref, WL - 4Conferences Professional
Steele, James WL - 4Police Dept Service
Fraseur, WL - 4Biomed Eng Student
Gorman, FW - 2HHS Clerical
Tarrh, William WL - Central Staff Benefi Fire/Police Mgmt
Stetler, Molly A WL - Black Cultural Cente Operations/Technical
Beier, Brooke FW - Music faculty
Dalton, Timothy CAL - Chemistry Temporary A/P

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