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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 372 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Hess, Andrea L WL - Nutrition Science Service $ 12,849.62
Smith, Donald G WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 12,830.78
McMillin, Carmen S WL - WL HILL Admin Support $ 12,827.54
Jones, Devin K WL - Forestry & Natur Post Doc $ 12,813.54
Gould, Tiffany J WL - PMU Catering & E Service $ 12,801.67
Srivastava, Kshitij WL - Chem Engr Temporary $ 12,800.00
Brummett-Powell, Shelly WL - Nutrition Science Service $ 12,792.60
Chaney, Graci N WL - Building Services - Service $ 12,784.87
Jones, Terry L WL - Fire Equip Svcs Service $ 12,776.19
Beemer, Anthony A WL - Building Services - Service $ 12,767.50
El-Khadragy, Nervana I WL - Pharm Prtc Temporary $ 12,764.56
Poynter, Ella M WL - PMU Catering & E Service $ 12,754.81
Ridao, Jenny M WL - Nutrition Science Service $ 12,751.00
Jackson, Kelly A WL - SPED Degree Program Limited Term Lecture $ 12,748.80
Gabbard-Rocha, Robert T WL - Language & Cult Limited Term Lecture $ 12,734.97
Wright, Stephen D WL - Building Services - Service $ 12,702.00
Spafford, Allyson M WL - Recreation & Wel Professional $ 12,685.81
Puente Castro, Mayra Z WL - MCDLS Recharge Support $ 12,679.62
Dosie, Andre T WL - Building Services - Service $ 12,678.85
Hynes, Martin D WL - Ag & Biological Limited Term Lecture $ 12,675.67
Weaver, Lisa J WL - Building Services - Service $ 12,663.45
Shannon, Eric N WL - Educational Studies Fellowship Pre Doc $ 12,644.77
Bowsher, Pamela E WL - PMU Culinary Service $ 12,626.35
Koenig Caphart, Monica E WL - Ag & Biological Limited Term Lecture $ 12,612.59
Day, Jacob s WL - Wiley Dining Professional $ 12,593.80
Ennis, Jordan M WL - Ford Dining Service $ 12,593.10
Royer, Janet J WL - Nutrition Science Service $ 12,582.90
Smith, TaShawna R WL - Hillenbrand Dining Service $ 12,547.53
Perkins, Heather L WL - Eng. Education Temporary $ 12,522.19
Leasure, Michael L WL - SATT Faculty $ 12,517.10

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Jo, David FW - 2HHS Clerical
Gorbett, Christi WL - Central Staff Benefi Fire/Police Mgmt
Jones, Carmen WL - Black Cultural Cente Operations/Technical
Glover, FW - Music Temporary A/P

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