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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 2 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Nan, Lin WL - Accounting Faculty $ 395,851.09
Roy, Kaushik WL - Electrical & Com Faculty $ 390,632.32
Lundstrom, Mark S WL - Electrical & Com Faculty $ 382,010.22
Koharki, Kevin J WL - Accounting Faculty $ 378,319.75
Xu, Dongyan WL - Computer Science Faculty $ 378,291.55
Wolfe, Patrick J WL - CoS Admin Executive $ 377,419.48
Cason, Timothy N WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 375,917.44
Hassanein, Ahmed WL - Nuclear Eng Faculty $ 374,496.58
Agee, Ernest M WL - EAPS Faculty $ 373,662.00
Kossek, Ellen E WL - OBHR Faculty $ 370,902.40
Shrewsberry, Micah W WL - Men's Basketball M/P Professional $ 367,336.34
Shalaev, Vladimir M WL - Electrical & Com Faculty $ 364,895.78
Bajaj, Anil K WL - Mechanical Engineeri Faculty $ 364,041.49
Schultz, Steven R WL - Ofc of Legal Counsel Executive $ 362,524.14
Reklaitis, Gintaras V WL - Chem Engr Faculty $ 359,787.62
Ratliff, Timothy L WL - Compar Pathobiology Faculty $ 357,411.97
Zhang, Zhong-Yin WL - MedChem/Molecul Phar Faculty $ 357,113.28
Mansson, Jan-Anders E WL - Materials Eng Faculty $ 355,081.18
Datta, Supriyo WL - Electrical & Com Faculty $ 353,937.17
Tobias, Justin L WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 351,944.41
Schoorman, F D WL - OBHR Faculty $ 348,863.46
Plaut, Karen I WL - Dean Ag Alumni Executive $ 348,086.82
Howell, Kathleen WL - Aero & Astro Faculty $ 347,544.16
Underwood, Marion K WL - HHS Admin Executive $ 344,203.68
Reingold, David A WL - CoLA Admin Executive $ 343,742.04
Powley, Terry L WL - Psychological Scienc Faculty $ 342,260.44
Delp, Edward J WL - Electrical & Com Faculty $ 339,806.29
McCartney, William G WL - Purdue Online Admini Executive $ 338,572.80
Anderson, John N WL - Biological Sciences Faculty $ 336,619.22
Ruhl, Christopher A WL - Treasurer & CFO Executive $ 335,693.04

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Holifield, WL - Black Cultural Cente Operations/Technical
Howard, Sarah FW - Music faculty
DeMay, Elizabeth CAL - Chemistry Temporary A/P
Holt, WL - Black Cultural Cente Admin/Prof
Wyss, Phillip FW - 2Cont Stdies M/P Management
Kirsch, Linda WL - Office of Profession Temporary

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