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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 270 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Yu, Shihui WL - Indus & Phys Post Doc $ 39,250.42
Marcellino, Paul G WL - CES Temporary $ 39,246.05
Nemeth, Sharon C WL - CoE Admin Support $ 39,239.62
Smith, Emily D WL - Business Ofc Support $ 39,238.58
Bumbleburg, James A WL - Transportation Servi Service $ 39,231.41
Tucker, Patricia S WL - Bursar Support $ 39,222.54
Marmolejos, Jairo A WL - Mechanical Engineeri Support $ 39,217.78
Kyler-Sibray, Holly M WL - Animal Science Farm Service $ 39,196.88
Ewing, Angela D WL - Libraries Admin Support $ 39,189.46
Noerenberg, Catherine L WL - Materials Eng Support $ 39,189.44
Bohlander, Ronna K WL - Ofc of Engagement Ad Support $ 39,185.64
Johnson, Christopher G WL - Graphic Design Professional $ 39,178.80
McLeland, Niedra A WL - Engr Techn Support $ 39,171.23
Iles, Marcia D WL - Athletic Communicati Support $ 39,170.94
Abbott, Rhonda A WL - IT Student Solutions Professional $ 39,143.55
Betts, Renita S WL - CoEduc Admin Support $ 39,134.61
Feeney, Janet M WL - Distribution Systems Service $ 39,132.87
Brinkley, Amy K WL - Administrative Servi Support $ 39,125.63
Buschman, Olivia L WL - VTH Anesthesia Service $ 39,116.28
Hawk, Shelley A WL - PUSH Support $ 39,112.46
Lynas, Tisha C WL - MCDLS Recharge Professional $ 39,103.44
Pietrowski, John P WL - Field Extension Professional $ 39,094.66
Livengood, Deborah M WL - Business Office Support $ 39,056.62
Jenkins, Catherine M WL - Building Services - Management $ 39,044.86
Springer, Alan R WL - Chemistry Service $ 39,043.18
Roan, Alena R WL - VTH Anesthesia Service $ 39,040.03
Schneidt, Karen L WL - WL TARK Admin Support $ 39,025.71
Putz, Tina W WL - Human Dev/Fam Studie Support $ 39,016.54
Yeoman, Daniel S WL - Libraries Admin Service $ 39,008.83
Stokes, Matilda B WL - School of IDIS Support $ 39,003.80

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Ehlers, WL - 4Police Dept Fire/Police Mgmt
Zink, Tina WL - 4Biomed Eng Operations/Technical

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