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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 236 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Zhao, Qiuchen WL - Chemistry Post Doc $ 46,196.65
Martins De Abreu Assad, Daleth WL - Language & Cult Continuing Lecturer $ 46,194.96
Sun, Lizhe WL - Statistics Post Doc $ 46,194.21
Markad, Shivaji B WL - Chemistry Post Doc $ 46,185.61
Bartlett, Roger E WL - Purdue Ag Center Service $ 46,181.31
Lane, Erin R WL - Research Support $ 46,168.10
Alcock, Cheryl L WL - Career Success Professional $ 46,154.40
Post, Kevin L WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 46,153.73
Rumpke, Sarah L WL - Registrar Professional $ 46,152.60
Cozart, Edward W WL - Nutrition Science Professional $ 46,151.16
Price, Jayne S WL - Ag Sciences Educ &am Support $ 46,139.50
Deitrick, Jeffrey L WL - Krannert Computing C Service $ 46,113.68
Sparks, David D WL - PLaCE Continuing Lecturer $ 46,110.96
Hass, Margaret E WL - PLaCE Continuing Lecturer $ 46,105.54
Bornino, Brian F WL - Athletics Facilities Service $ 46,105.27
Packer, Stephanie A WL - Windsor Dining Professional $ 46,104.36
Zeynalova, Sabina WL - PLaCE Continuing Lecturer $ 46,100.23
Millen, Christy L WL - SPS Professional $ 46,095.68
Turner, Brock M WL - Procurement Services Service $ 46,091.34
Clingenpeel, Steven L WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 46,078.12
Brown, Chantalle S WL - Biomedical Eng Professional $ 46,075.98
Mellady, Sara J WL - Herrick Lab Gen Op Support $ 46,073.82
Previs, Ashlin A WL - Talent Acquisition Professional $ 46,067.28
Rechkemmer, Kimberly A WL - Undergrad Educ Professional $ 46,052.88
Frye, Joanne G WL - Building Services - Management $ 46,052.31
Roesler, Rebecca J WL - Emerg Critical Care Service $ 46,051.34
Harrison, Clifford R WL - Libraries Admin Management $ 46,050.00
Schnur, Rae J WL - Ind St. Chemist Professional $ 46,047.72
Krylow, Mary R WL - Communications Limited Term Lecture $ 46,031.51
Moffitt, Roseda A WL - CoLA Admin Support $ 46,031.41

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Nolley, Joyce WL - 4Biomed Eng Fire/Police Mgmt
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