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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 238 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Diener, Erin E WL - Purdue Convocations Professional $ 45,829.08
Morris, Marcia M WL - Talent Acquisition Professional $ 45,819.72
Baker, Michele L WL - Engagement Support $ 45,814.50
Eddings, Ashlee N WL - Small Animal Medicin Service $ 45,812.42
Kelly, Penelope S WL - Academic Programs Support $ 45,810.86
Williams, Stacey L WL - Dir of Undergrad Adv Support $ 45,807.58
Vickers, Heather G WL - Rueff School of Desi Continuing Lecturer $ 45,799.68
Huston, Edward T WL - EM Analysis & Re Professional $ 45,799.68
Mariga, Michelle L WL - SPS Professional $ 45,799.68
Long, Cheryl E WL - Business Office Support $ 45,796.32
Rivron, Claire H WL - Nutrition Science Professional $ 45,794.64
Burton, Shelley L WL - EVPRP Admin Support $ 45,793.70
Goley, Stephen C WL - Transportation Servi Professional $ 45,788.04
Franklin, Jennifer S WL - Ag Sciences Educ &am Support $ 45,786.44
Underwood, Sarah M WL - DBM Admin Professional $ 45,782.40
Westendorf, Melissa P WL - Academic 1 Professional $ 45,782.40
Daugherty, Beth A WL - Rueff School of Desi Support $ 45,774.56
Aubeneau, Nelida WL - Language & Cult Continuing Lecturer $ 45,771.60
Nandakishore, Ananth A WL - EM Analysis & Re Professional $ 45,771.60
Han-Hallett, Yu WL - Bindley Bioscience Professional $ 45,769.44
Sparks, Jenna L WL - OEPP Professional $ 45,769.44
Voeglein, Christopher J WL - EM Analysis & Re Professional $ 45,769.44
Zhang, Wei WL - SPS Professional $ 45,769.44
Van Sickel, Eli A WL - Disability Resource Professional $ 45,767.28
Doerr, Zachary D WL - DBM Admin Professional $ 45,767.28
Johnson, Billie J WL - Resident Activities Professional $ 45,767.28
Mellady, Cori J WL - SPS Professional $ 45,767.28
Robertson, Bobbie J WL - SPS Professional $ 45,762.96
Robertson, Stuart D WL - Language & Cult Continuing Lecturer $ 45,750.58
Tosun, Tulin Ece WL - PLaCE Continuing Lecturer $ 45,750.00

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Herbig, Paul WL - 4Biomed Eng Fire/Police Mgmt
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