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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 190 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Hearit, Diana B WL - Communications Limited Term Lecture $ 54,000.05
Liao, Peilin WL - Materials Eng Faculty $ 53,997.15
Zhang, Zhen WL - Materials Eng Post Doc $ 53,987.31
Romano, Jacobo WL - Emerg Critical Care M/P Professional $ 53,982.68
Banta, Andrew M WL - Cab Operating Professional $ 53,934.00
Mattern, Jerome L WL - CAPS Professional $ 53,919.46
Kudyshev, Zhaxylyk WL - Birck Nanotechnology Post Doc $ 53,912.06
Barber, Cynthia A WL - Field Extension Professional $ 53,889.84
Rusk, Meghan C WL - DBM Admin Professional $ 53,882.40
Corwin, James R WL - Physics & Astron Service $ 53,873.99
Davis, Jan E WL - Nursing Clinical/Research $ 53,872.72
Ross, Bill R WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 53,872.04
Kibbey, Clayton M WL - Engr Techn Service $ 53,869.45
Chihara, Alexander T WL - Infrastructure Servi Professional $ 53,855.64
Price, Joshua R WL - ECN Professional $ 53,850.48
Henry, Jacob L WL - Ground Recharge Oper Service $ 53,840.69
Brenner, Coreen D WL - Food Science Support $ 53,825.44
Sommer, Anne E WL - SLHS Clinical/Research $ 53,824.20
Mazer, Katy E WL - Agronomy Professional $ 53,818.80
Jordan, Kelsey N WL - Disability Resource Professional $ 53,812.32
McPherson, Jennifer L WL - WL Honors RA M/P Management $ 53,808.84
Thomas, Nathan B WL - Eng. Education Professional $ 53,796.12
Burke, Kathleen A WL - Regulatory Affairs A M/P Professional $ 53,792.94
Brock, Kyle E WL - Ag Communication Ser Professional $ 53,790.00
Na, Dongyeop WL - Electrical & Com Post Doc $ 53,786.47
Xu, Xueyong WL - Biological Sciences Post Doc $ 53,782.44
Qu, Yuan WL - Statistics Visiting Faculty $ 53,782.42
Wilson, Erica D WL - Purdue Conferences Professional $ 53,779.80
Ciez, Rebecca E WL - Mechanical Engineeri Faculty $ 53,775.26
Young, Jesse G WL - Marketing & Medi Professional $ 53,771.64

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Kammeyer, Barry FW - Professional Studies Limited Term Lecture
Dutta, Mohan WL - Athletics Facilities Professional
King, Galen WL - 4Conferences Student
Kurmis, D WL - 4Police Dept Clerical
Patton, WL - 4Biomed Eng Fire/Police Mgmt
Trigg, FW - 2HHS Operations/Technical

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