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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 291 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Salinas, Leandro G WL - Wiley Dining Service $ 34,355.49
Buchanan, James R WL - Lg Anml Hosp Gen Adm Service $ 34,350.35
Mapes, Amanda S WL - CoS Admin Support $ 34,342.02
Ximenes, Renata P WL - Ctr for Environment Support $ 34,338.42
Brinker, Michael T WL - Ed-Academic Services Support $ 34,336.80
Vonderheide, Steven J WL - Athletics Facilities Service $ 34,322.40
Harrison, Marietta L WL - MedChem/Molecul Phar Faculty $ 34,306.43
Graham, Tena L WL - Biochemistry Service $ 34,299.60
Martin, Amber M WL - Biological Sciences Professional $ 34,297.79
Scott, Vivian A WL - Food Stores Support $ 34,287.76
Gruninger, Mark F WL - Materials Eng M/P Professional $ 34,285.25
Vibbert, Shelby WL - CoE Admin Support $ 34,279.16
Burke, Melisa S WL - Wiley Dining Service $ 34,274.53
Ku Blanco, Aury Y WL - Materials Eng Support $ 34,260.00
Hunt, Wanda K WL - Polytechnic Kokomo Support $ 34,258.80
Ummadisetti, Chinnarajesh WL - MedChem/Molecul Phar Post Doc $ 34,247.39
Briles, Veronica N WL - Nutrition Science Service $ 34,238.00
Hall, Michael R WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 34,223.12
Braun, Audrey M WL - Libraries Admin Support $ 34,217.62
Marinan, Sean R WL - Men's Football Professional $ 34,215.48
Quinn, Nancy L WL - English Continuing Lecturer $ 34,214.29
Speer, Daniel W WL - IT End User Experien Service $ 34,211.32
Ferringer, David L WL - In House Project Del Service $ 34,207.14
Hwang, Sunghwan WL - Materials Eng Post Doc $ 34,205.63
Lillpop, Warren R WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 34,203.42
Peters, Benjamin J WL - MedChem/Molecul Phar Post Doc $ 34,196.01
Hester, Ulyssa WL - ADDL Service $ 34,182.75
Nordmeyer, Ann M WL - Business Office Support $ 34,175.70
Aliyeva, Gatiba Sabir Gizi WL - Chem Engr Support $ 34,171.07
Pietrzak, Joseph J WL - IT End User Experien Support $ 34,170.44

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Jo, David WL - 4Police Dept Service
Gorbett, Christi WL - 4Biomed Eng Student
Jones, Carmen FW - 2HHS Clerical
Glover, WL - Central Staff Benefi Fire/Police Mgmt
Lahrman, WL - Black Cultural Cente Operations/Technical
Kuckartz, Candice FW - Music Temporary A/P

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