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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 248 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
LeBlanc, Mark R WL - Biochemistry Clinical/Research $ 43,750.00
Hanthorne, Robert S WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 43,740.00
Goulette, Kearstynn G WL - Academic Affairs Professional $ 43,733.90
Cramer, Nancy J WL - Ag Research and Grad Support $ 43,720.18
Richards, Connie R WL - Libraries Admin Support $ 43,702.00
Parker-Black, Vicki L WL - SLHS Support $ 43,691.08
Coppola, Michael C WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 43,683.09
Russ-Eft, Darlene F WL - Tech Leadership Clinical/Research $ 43,676.27
Stone, Sue A WL - School of Management Support $ 43,667.16
Evans, G D WL - Research Machine Ser Support $ 43,667.16
Mellinger, Jordan A WL - Hall of Music Service $ 43,657.64
Patterson, Taylor M WL - Admissions Professional $ 43,629.34
Dalton, Thomas D WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 43,628.68
Gardner, Hugh A WL - EVPRP Admin Professional $ 43,615.20
Bagshaw, Heather M WL - Program Management Support $ 43,607.38
Dayton, Danielle E WL - ISS Fees Professional $ 43,603.44
Devine, Natalie N WL - Building Services - Management $ 43,602.52
Morrow, Brandon A WL - Building Services - Service $ 43,600.62
Clayton, Matthew T WL - IT End User Experien Service $ 43,594.10
Hayden, Anthony J WL - IT End User Experien Service $ 43,592.34
Beugly, Jayson S WL - IN-IL Sea Grant Temporary $ 43,581.93
Smith, Patrick W WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 43,547.84
Fraley, Britney C WL - Ind St. Chemist Professional $ 43,547.04
VanHyfte, Brian L WL - Distribution Systems Service $ 43,545.48
Liratni, Michelle L WL - Purdue Cancer Center Support $ 43,544.59
Leonard, Jeanette S WL - SLHS Speech Clinic R Visiting Faculty $ 43,539.95
Kesler, Emma R WL - Delphi Dept Service $ 43,520.87
Barry, Lawrence WL - Distribution Systems Service $ 43,511.92
Enstrom, Alexander W WL - Vet Clinical Science Service $ 43,509.28
Gant, Phylindia C WL - PRIME Lab Service $ 43,507.52

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Gilliland, Christina WL - 4Biomed Eng Fire/Police Mgmt
Raderstorf, FW - 2HHS Operations/Technical

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