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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 310 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Munoz Gaeta, Maria J WL - Building Services - Service $ 30,364.89
Wang, Liangju WL - Ag & Biological Post Doc $ 30,348.48
Serrano, Alejandro WL - Building Services - Service $ 30,327.60
Ganzen, Logan C WL - Biological Sciences Post Doc $ 30,326.01
Davis, Jeremy L WL - Mechanical Engineeri Professional $ 30,310.74
Brown, Robin WL - Data Processing Support $ 30,306.30
Ndichu, Catherine W WL - Building Services - Service $ 30,298.87
Robbins, Tari A WL - Wiley Dining Service $ 30,298.00
Ridgley, Melissa L WL - SLHS Aud Clinic Rech Support $ 30,277.32
Wood, Whitney R WL - Director of Dining Support $ 30,277.05
Cox, Jaime J WL - SAO Professional $ 30,265.98
Hao, Zhaopeng WL - Mathematics Visiting Faculty $ 30,264.01
Nguyen, Thi Phong WL - Mathematics Visiting Faculty $ 30,264.01
Hitselberger, Brian J WL - Rueff School of Desi Continuing Lecturer $ 30,263.32
Schill, Elizabeth L WL - Building Services - Service $ 30,260.95
Owens, Jacob L WL - MedChem/Molecul Phar Temporary $ 30,260.90
Eptaminitakis, Nikolaos WL - Mathematics Visiting Faculty $ 30,260.51
Hu, Bingyang WL - Mathematics Visiting Faculty $ 30,260.51
Salem, Salma WL - Indus & Phys Post Doc $ 30,252.39
Burns, Minta J WL - Hall of Music Service $ 30,221.31
Kehrer, Nancy J WL - Small Animal Medicin Service $ 30,219.08
Kramer, Jennifer L WL - Ford Dining Service $ 30,211.75
Wagner, James A WL - Building Services - Service $ 30,207.92
Bartrom, Rachel H WL - Nutrition Science Support $ 30,204.90
Lee, Ding Hua WL - Botany & Plant P Post Doc $ 30,202.85
Boylan, Rebecca L WL - Sociology Limited Term Lecture $ 30,187.53
Khalid, Hina WL - Auxiliary M/P Management $ 30,169.46
Burton, Anthony R WL - Building Services - Service $ 30,158.48
Xu, Xiaoming WL - Building Services - Service $ 30,153.57
Kesari, Aditi S WL - MedChem/Molecul Phar Post Doc $ 30,147.64

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