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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 290 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Nelson, Caleb L WL - Rad & Environ Mg Service $ 34,505.63
Ko, Mee Jung WL - MedChem/Molecul Phar Post Doc $ 34,496.47
Calvin, Karla S WL - SATT Support $ 34,492.80
Sandifur, Patricia J WL - Delphi Dept Service $ 34,490.67
Johnson, Deborah L WL - Administrative Servi Support $ 34,487.98
Fields, Mark D WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 34,487.34
St Myer, Heather A WL - UR Dining Director Support $ 34,480.68
Aldridge, Jill M WL - Anthropology Support $ 34,469.24
Wilkinson, Julie D WL - CoS Admin Support $ 34,464.87
Stanton, Meggan M WL - ADDL Service $ 34,464.56
Dilley, Beth A WL - Hospitality & To Support $ 34,462.00
Allwes, Beth A WL - School of Management Support $ 34,457.60
Song, Qian WL - Ofc. of Internationa Support $ 34,447.04
Vaughn, Eunice E WL - Windsor Dining Service $ 34,442.04
Quirk, Carlene C WL - Eng. Education Support $ 34,433.00
Bleier, Steckel K WL - VP Information Tech Support $ 34,416.86
Niepokuj, Mary K WL - English Faculty $ 34,409.77
Deiglmeier, Hunter N WL - Disability Resource Professional $ 34,406.81
Hurni, Michael E WL - PUSH Support $ 34,404.40
Tappenden, Wanda G WL - Sm Anml Hosp Gen Adm Support $ 34,398.98
Dennis, Danielle E WL - Field Extension Professional $ 34,396.12
Pena, Joseph A WL - Fire Equip Svcs Service $ 34,391.38
Foster, Stephanie L WL - Mathematics Support $ 34,384.58
Guy, Mason A WL - IT End User Experien Service $ 34,382.92
Brooks, Tierra L WL - Health Sciences Professional $ 34,376.31
Shepherd, Kaylene R WL - Mechanical Engineeri Support $ 34,369.95
Fink, Susan C WL - Auxiliary Support $ 34,362.80
Magallanes, Raudel C WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 34,361.67
Farkas, Brian E WL - Food Science Faculty $ 34,358.72
Kerschner, John D WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 34,355.54

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