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Number of people in WL Department: 12789
Maximum Salary:$ 5,676,626.98
Average Salary:$ 64,961.59
Minimum Salary:$ 9.54

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 279 of 427
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Smith, Beth A WL - Career Success Support $ 37,175.74
Fields, Hannah M WL - Building Services - Management $ 37,169.38
Wilkinson, Doris J WL - Mechanical Engineeri Support $ 37,167.04
Kirchgessner, Amy J WL - LGBTQ Center Support $ 37,163.78
Herbst, Carie A WL - CoS Admin Support $ 37,155.98
Hooker, Ken E WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 37,154.37
VanHootegem, James E WL - Men's Track Professional $ 37,152.78
Phelps, Thomas R WL - Materials Mgmt Service $ 37,134.14
Butler, Jami L WL - Academic 1 Professional $ 37,134.10
Rushing, Jacob C WL - Ticket Office Professional $ 37,131.50
Fritz, Laura J WL - Ind St. Chemist Support $ 37,128.24
Martin, Linda J WL - Field Extension Support $ 37,127.12
Bannister, Noah A WL - IT Research Computin Professional $ 37,117.48
Mamph, James S WL - Golf Course Maintena Service $ 37,091.82
Hoeve, Sara J WL - Curriculum & Ins Limited Term Lecture $ 37,087.17
McInerney, William D WL - Educational Studies Visiting Faculty $ 37,057.29
Newberry, Jonathan D WL - Earhart Dining Professional $ 37,054.65
Kohne, Peter T WL - HTM Bistro & Joh Service $ 37,052.53
Baumhardt, Patrice E WL - Biological Sciences Professional $ 37,038.36
Lyons, Amy M WL - NCNC Admin Support $ 37,032.48
Hall, William C WL - Golf Course Maintena Service $ 37,017.75
Ortiz, Raudel M WL - Hillenbrand Dining Service $ 36,989.24
Beauvais, Wendy A WL - Compar Pathobiology Faculty $ 36,976.96
Bertassello, Leonardo E WL - Civil Engr Post Doc $ 36,974.78
Poudyal, Shishir WL - Biological Sciences Post Doc $ 36,953.48
Bowman, Abigail S WL - All American Dining Professional $ 36,941.08
Patrick, Winifred S WL - Recreation & Wel Support $ 36,932.12
Couch, Crystal L WL - Undergrad Admissions Support $ 36,912.05
McLain, Paula L WL - Benefits Service $ 36,904.20
Mouser, Wendy A WL - Veterans Success Cen Support $ 36,902.80

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