Employee Group
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List of Employee Groups

Number of people in Faculty Employee Group: 2555
Maximum Salary:$ 512,257.36
Average Salary:$ 135,181.19
Minimum Salary:$ 65.69

Purdue University Salaries for 2019 Page 79 of 86
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Afsari, Kereshmeh WL - Const Mgmt Tech Faculty $ 67,318.46
Bassett, Troy J FW - English & Lingui Faculty $ 67,002.67
Case, Amanda WL - Educational Studies Faculty $ 66,884.96
Chu, Hui NC - Psychology Faculty $ 66,869.58
Smith, Brian G WL - Communications Faculty $ 66,868.97
Tahmassebi, Daryoush FW - Chemistry Faculty $ 66,675.45
Savage, Samuel T FW - Music Faculty $ 66,273.45
Rodesiler, Lucas B FW - School of Education Faculty $ 66,102.45
Sweet, Jonathan C WL - Purdue Bands & O Faculty $ 66,101.98
Browning, Robert X WL - Political Science Faculty $ 66,045.95
Jacob, James M WL - Engr Techn Faculty $ 65,871.34
Lambert, Natalie J WL - Communications Faculty $ 65,810.57
Johnson, Carla J WL - Curriculum & Ins Faculty $ 65,744.76
Kafle, Bir B NC - Math Stat & Com Faculty $ 65,508.31
Green, Seth J FW - Fine Arts/Vis. Comm Faculty $ 65,152.39
Cody, Steven J FW - Fine Arts/Vis. Comm Faculty $ 65,139.62
Mailhot, Terese WL - English Faculty $ 65,048.17
Buttes, Stephen M FW - Intl Language & Faculty $ 64,798.84
Gielda, Lindsay M NC - Biological Sciences Faculty $ 64,794.67
Petersen, Lori A CAL - Psychology Faculty $ 64,760.84
Hallock, Robert M CAL - Psychology Faculty $ 64,749.74
Vandell, Robert C FW - Mathematics Faculty $ 64,646.52
Lalani, Nasreen Sulaiman WL - Nursing Faculty $ 64,403.27
Curd, Patricia K WL - Philosophy Faculty $ 64,248.19
Curtis, Susan WL - History Faculty $ 64,177.43
Zepeda, Karla P FW - Intl Language & Faculty $ 63,936.05
Jung, Jinha WL - Civil Engr Faculty $ 63,669.61
Stokar, Hayley S NC - Behavioral Sciences Faculty $ 63,584.63
Brinton, Christopher G WL - Electrical & Com Faculty $ 63,543.51
Wang, Xiaoqian WL - Electrical & Com Faculty $ 63,532.60

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