Employee Group
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List of Employee Groups

Number of people in Faculty Employee Group: 2555
Maximum Salary:$ 512,257.36
Average Salary:$ 135,181.19
Minimum Salary:$ 65.69

Purdue University Salaries for 2019 Page 77 of 86
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Stewart, Terry S WL - Animal Sciences Faculty $ 71,103.00
Toole, James G FW - Political Science Faculty $ 71,091.24
Otani, Koichiro FW - Public Policy Faculty $ 70,975.70
Bates, Scott T NC - Biological Sciences Faculty $ 70,876.47
Pogranichniy, Roman M WL - Compar Pathobiology Faculty $ 70,737.94
Bianchi, Antonio WL - Computer Science Faculty $ 70,697.36
Duzinkiewicz, Janusz NC - History & Philos Faculty $ 70,647.02
Teruelle, Rhon CAL - Communication & Faculty $ 70,628.00
Johnson, Shannon F FW - Library Admin Faculty $ 70,621.14
Kokalov, Assen I NC - PoliSci/Econ/WL Faculty $ 70,361.32
Johnson, Lee M CAL - Behavioral Sciences Faculty $ 70,357.02
Legg, Alan R FW - Mathematics Faculty $ 70,344.68
Borbieva, Noor FW - Anthro and Sociology Faculty $ 70,185.87
Baker, Manisa CAL - Nursing BS Program Faculty $ 70,064.59
Ragan, Christina M NC - Psychology Faculty $ 70,039.32
Leidy, Heather J WL - Nutrition Science Faculty $ 69,926.71
Boylan, Daniel H FW - Accounting Faculty $ 69,902.46
Hannah, Matthew N WL - Libraries Admin Faculty $ 69,897.01
Rupp, Nathan A FW - Library Admin Faculty $ 69,875.28
Loui, Michael C WL - Eng. Education Faculty $ 69,841.65
Cai, Chao WL - Libraries Admin Faculty $ 69,816.12
Curia, Marianne NC - Nursing BS Program Faculty $ 69,727.88
Perkins Coppola, Matthew P FW - School of Education Faculty $ 69,641.40
Park, Haeik FW - Hosp & Tour Mgmt Faculty $ 69,624.14
Cohn, Jesse S NC - English Dept Faculty $ 69,562.89
Whalen, Lachlan E FW - English & Lingui Faculty $ 69,415.97
Jing, Peng FW - Chemistry Faculty $ 69,346.00
Cho, Jeong-il FW - School of Education Faculty $ 69,313.55
Beineke, Lowell W FW - Mathematics Faculty $ 69,300.90
Gregg, Jeff L CAL - Math Stat & Co Faculty $ 69,293.90

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Long, Elizabeth CAL - Graduate School Adm Faculty
Bennett, Sue WL - 4HawkinsHall Clerical
Bukhari, Israa WL - 4Comp Grph Admin/Prof
Miltenberger, Lauren WL - Food Stores Professional
Fitzsimons, Denise WL - Biochemistry M/P Management
Larimore, WL - 4Chem Mgmt/Prof
Dahl, NC - Social Science Operations/Technical
Knafel, Shelby WL - ISPA Service
Young, Amanda FW - Chemistry Student
Perez, Bernadette WL - Hillenbrand Residenc Temporary A/P
Lakin, Sue WL - Medical Education Temporary Cler/Serv

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