Employee Group
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Number of people in Faculty Employee Group: 2582
Maximum Salary:$ 977,731.52
Average Salary:$ 111,210.65
Minimum Salary:$ 17.42

Purdue University Salaries for 2012 Page 19 of 87
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Chandrasekar, Srinivasan WL - Industrial Engineeri Faculty $ 140,339.24
Shi, Riyi WL - Basic Medical Scienc Faculty $ 140,299.35
Davis, Stanley W FW - Richard T. Doermer S Faculty $ 140,257.62
Campbell, Wayne W WL - Nutrition Science Faculty $ 140,213.93
Downey, W Scott WL - Agricultural Economi Faculty $ 140,050.77
Diamond, Karen E WL - Human Development an Faculty $ 140,026.08
Lipman, Marc J FW - Mathematics Faculty $ 140,020.06
Trapp, Robert J WL - 4EAPS Faculty $ 139,953.92
Miller, Margaret A WL - Comparative Pathobio Faculty $ 139,951.38
Rego, Vernon J WL - Computer Science Faculty $ 139,827.43
Irazoqui, Pedro WL - Biomedical Engineeri Faculty $ 139,826.28
Nan, Lin WL - Department of Manage Faculty $ 139,653.68
Jacobs, Douglass F WL - Forestry and Natural Faculty $ 139,560.22
Vitek, Jan WL - Computer Science Faculty $ 139,544.03
Raskin, Rose E WL - Comparative Pathobio Faculty $ 139,532.40
Faiola, Norman A CAL - Hospitality and Touri Faculty $ 139,525.88
Sharma, Maneesh K FW - Accounting and Finan Faculty $ 139,516.70
Givan, Robert L WL - Electrical and Compute Faculty $ 139,464.63
Weber-Fox, Christine M WL - Speech Language and Faculty $ 139,315.03
Weldon, Sirje L WL - Political Science Faculty $ 139,286.24
Morrow, Silas R NC - The College of Liber Faculty $ 139,262.22
Slaubaugh, Michael D FW - Accounting and Finan Faculty $ 139,097.31
Houshangi, Nasser CAL - Electrical and Comp Faculty $ 139,020.18
Ferruzzi, Mario WL - Department of Food S Faculty $ 139,004.18
Pula, James S NC - Social Science Faculty $ 138,837.62
Hua, Inez WL - Civil Engineering Faculty $ 138,758.67
Delaurentis, Daniel A WL - Aeronautics and Astron Faculty $ 138,755.11
Schaffer, Ralph A WL - Statewide Technology Faculty $ 138,673.40
Weiner, Sharon A WL - Libraries Faculty $ 138,642.90
Choi, Chan K WL - Nuclear Engineering Faculty $ 138,637.89

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
McDanel, WL - Operations Faculty
Luna, WL - College of Agricultu facult
Lafon, WL - Health Sciences Clerical
Crum, William WL - 4EAPS Service
Gordon, Marsha FW - 2StudInfoSys Support
Delchambre, Ann FW - Educational Studies Limited Term Lect
Moryl, WL - Department of Econom Mgmt/Prof
Miller, FW - Accounting Services Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Murren, WL - Ag Info Tech Student
Clayton, Bradley WL - Biological Sciences Professional
Noel, Nicole CAL - Education Opportuni Admin/Prof

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