Employee Group
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Number of people in Faculty Employee Group: 2582
Maximum Salary:$ 977,731.52
Average Salary:$ 111,210.65
Minimum Salary:$ 17.42

Purdue University Salaries for 2012 Page 17 of 87
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Martinez, Julio C WL - Civil Engineering Faculty $ 146,226.07
Couetil, Laurent L WL - Veterinary Clinical Faculty $ 146,075.10
Nolte, David D WL - Physics Faculty $ 146,033.72
Bennett, Gary W WL - Entomology Faculty $ 146,004.36
Taylor, Lynne S WL - Industrial and Physi Faculty $ 145,966.95
Staver, John R WL - Curriculum and Instr Faculty $ 145,841.90
Bowman, Mark D WL - Civil Engineering Faculty $ 145,711.15
Sowinski, Kevin M WL - Department of Pharma Faculty $ 145,403.97
Kanpol, Barry FW - Educational Studies Faculty $ 145,248.24
Wassgren, Carl R WL - Mechanical Engineeri Faculty $ 145,217.63
Gelfand, Saul B WL - Electrical and Compute Faculty $ 145,066.36
Fricker, Jon D WL - Civil Engineering Faculty $ 145,034.22
Prezzi, Monica WL - Civil Engineering Faculty $ 145,004.94
Cheng, Ji-xin WL - Biomedical Engineeri Faculty $ 144,820.45
Gerard, Peggy S CAL - Nursing Faculty $ 144,529.20
Bagchi, Saurabh WL - Electrical and Compute Faculty $ 144,488.35
Gutay, Laszlo J WL - Physics Faculty $ 144,246.24
Niyogi, Devdutta S WL - Agronomy Faculty $ 144,223.55
Clawson, Rosalee A WL - Political Science Faculty $ 144,062.93
Hertel, Thomas W WL - Agricultural Economi Faculty $ 144,020.69
Goffman, Lisa A WL - Speech Language and Faculty $ 143,943.04
Johnson, William G WL - Botany and Plant Pat Faculty $ 143,937.61
Park, Kihong WL - Computer Science Faculty $ 143,860.38
DeBoer, Lawrence P WL - Agricultural Economi Faculty $ 143,706.04
Blendell, John E WL - Materials Engineerin Faculty $ 143,586.87
Gibbs, Richard A WL - Medicinal Chem/Molec Faculty $ 143,353.59
Urcuioli, Peter J WL - Psychological Scienc Faculty $ 143,157.75
Van Alstine, William G WL - Comparative Pathobio Faculty $ 142,846.14
Ohland, Matthew W WL - Engineering Educatio Faculty $ 142,623.28
Ng, Peter A FW - Computer Science Faculty $ 142,575.00

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Gordon, Marsha FW - 2StudInfoSys Support
Delchambre, Ann FW - Educational Studies Limited Term Lect
Moryl, WL - Department of Econom Mgmt/Prof
Miller, FW - Accounting Services Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Murren, WL - Ag Info Tech Student
Clayton, Bradley WL - Biological Sciences Professional
Noel, Nicole CAL - Education Opportuni Admin/Prof

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