Employee Group
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List of Employee Groups

Number of people in faculty Employee Group: 2547
Maximum Salary:$ 668,887.14
Average Salary:$ 138,984.94
Minimum Salary:$ 67.05

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 58 of 85
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Reuhs, Bradley L WL - Food Science Faculty $ 106,154.56
Kim, Tae-Hoon CAL - Comp Info Tech & Faculty $ 106,139.64
Kao, Dominic WL - Computer Information Faculty $ 106,128.29
Cooley, Timothy R WL - Polytechnic New Alba Faculty $ 106,125.96
Aubeneau, Antoine F WL - Civil Engr Faculty $ 106,090.01
Kelly, Daniel R WL - Philosophy Faculty $ 106,056.98
Welp-Smith, Lisa R WL - EAPS Faculty $ 105,910.31
Agrawal, Jai P CAL - Engineering Tech Faculty $ 105,858.61
Caviglia, Giulio WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 105,775.50
Betz, Stacy K FW - Comm Sci & Disor Faculty $ 105,769.44
Redman, Beverly A FW - Theatre Faculty $ 105,765.36
Yin, Chengdong WL - Finance Faculty $ 105,759.61
Pacheco, Derek A WL - English Faculty $ 105,744.17
Lawton, Carol A FW - Psychology Faculty $ 105,687.12
Erk, Kendra A WL - Materials Eng Faculty $ 105,659.41
Yoon, Gyeong Mee WL - Botany & Plant P Faculty $ 105,631.88
Muzikar, Paul F WL - Physics & Astron Faculty $ 105,578.59
Leung, Yuk Fai WL - Biological Sciences Faculty $ 105,576.13
Webb, Ralph WL - Communications Faculty $ 105,522.98
Martinez, Ramses WL - Industrial Engineeri Faculty $ 105,469.84
Indrei, Emanuel G WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 105,361.83
Thomas, Margaret E WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 105,302.26
Gabin, Nancy F WL - History Faculty $ 105,272.04
De Venanzi, Augusto FW - Anthro and Sociology Faculty $ 105,245.55
Calix, Ricardo A CAL - Comp Info Tech & Faculty $ 105,177.82
Leung, Brian J WL - English Faculty $ 105,140.92
Saunders, Michael R WL - Forestry & Natur Faculty $ 105,122.15
Duran, Angelica A WL - English Faculty $ 105,087.66
Engelberth, Abigail S WL - Ag & Biological Faculty $ 105,013.13
Kong, Ningning N WL - Libraries Admin Faculty $ 104,968.14

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