Employee Group
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List of Employee Groups

Number of people in faculty Employee Group: 2582
Maximum Salary:$ 977,731.52
Average Salary:$ 111,210.65
Minimum Salary:$ 17.42

Purdue University Salaries for 2012 Page 62 of 87
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Kain, Patrick P WL - Philosophy Faculty $ 80,555.43
Webb, Ralph WL - Communication Faculty $ 80,423.95
Sekhar, Chandra R CAL - Engineering Technol Faculty $ 80,421.82
Willer, Lynda R CAL - Communication and C Faculty $ 80,330.42
Duttlinger, Linda M NC - Mathematics Faculty $ 80,322.43
Mills, Scott E WL - Animal Sciences Faculty $ 80,310.42
Mathur, Aditya P WL - Computer Science Faculty $ 80,301.73
Dillman, Brian G WL - Aviation Technology Faculty $ 80,122.10
Casanova, Gisele M CAL - Behavioral Sciences Faculty $ 80,080.38
Leverage, Paula E WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 79,977.70
Zimmerman, Lynn CAL - Graduate Studies In Faculty $ 79,973.52
Campbell, Jane CAL - English and Philoso Faculty $ 79,926.82
Weakley, William D FW - Mathematics Faculty $ 79,926.49
Swim, Terri J FW - Educational Studies Faculty $ 79,906.77
Sun, Hao FW - English and Linguist Faculty $ 79,896.27
Day, Gordon J WL - School of Hospitalit Faculty $ 79,888.83
Bynum, Cornelius L WL - History Faculty $ 79,868.62
Roper, Carolyn D NC - Department of Busine Faculty $ 79,839.50
Guerrero, Tammy S CAL - Information Service Faculty $ 79,774.80
Ragheb, Hussein S WL - Office of The Indian Faculty $ 79,758.78
Armstrong, S D WL - English Faculty $ 79,717.13
Shan, Jie WL - Civil Engineering Faculty $ 79,709.82
Eisenstein, Maurice M CAL - History and Politic Faculty $ 79,700.98
Stainback, Kevin M WL - Sociology Department Faculty $ 79,661.53
Swanson, Dewey A WL - Columbus Statewide T Faculty $ 79,631.05
Lamb, Robert P WL - English Faculty $ 79,603.03
Crispo, Alexander W WL - Technology Leadersh Faculty $ 79,596.29
Jackson, Brenda L FW - Psychology Faculty $ 79,586.87
Buckenmeyer, Janet A CAL - Graduate Studies In Faculty $ 79,580.64
Forsyth, Dale M WL - Animal Sciences Faculty $ 79,554.35

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NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Tonge, WL - 4EPICS faculty
Drineas, Petros WL - Communication Service
Shelton, Brad WL - Dean of Students Temporary
Faker, Michael WL - Biochemistry Post doc
Seidel, WL - Botany and Plant Pat Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Kilmer, Windell WL - Chemical Engineering Limited Term Lect
Kelly, Linda FW - Management and Marketi Continuing Lecturer
Webb, Eric FW - Accounting and Finan Admin/Prof
Brummett, Marilyn CAL - Mechanical Engineer Limited Term Lecture
Sanders, John CAL - Information Service Fire/Police Mgmt
Dexter, Jennifer WL - Patti and Rusty Rueff Operations/Technical

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