Employee Group
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List of Employee Groups

Number of people in Student Employee Group: 14153
Maximum Salary:$ 39,000.00
Average Salary:$ 1,978.94
Minimum Salary:$ 0.80

Purdue University Salaries for 2016 Page 204 of 472
Name Department Employee Group Salary
, WL - 4RecandWellnes Student $ 1,448.44
, FW - 2CASA Student $ 1,448.00
, WL - 4Bus Ops-Yg Student $ 1,447.61
, CAL - 1CollegeTech Student $ 1,447.25
, WL - Department of Pharma Student $ 1,446.59
, WL - Shreve Residence Hal Student $ 1,446.53
, WL - 4Electrical Student $ 1,446.13
, WL - 4Electrical Student $ 1,446.00
, WL - 4Grills Student $ 1,445.85
, WL - Mathematics Student $ 1,445.00
, WL - Materials Engineerin Student $ 1,444.63
, WL - Chemistry Student $ 1,444.50
, WL - Computer Science Student $ 1,444.15
, WL - 4Hill Dining Student $ 1,443.77
, WL - Libraries Student $ 1,443.71
, FW - 2StuSucTrans Student $ 1,443.30
, WL - 4UnivDev Student $ 1,443.30
, WL - 4Success Student $ 1,443.02
, WL - Chemistry Student $ 1,442.75
, WL - 4Grills Student $ 1,442.50
, WL - Animal Sciences Student $ 1,441.51
, WL - Admissions Student $ 1,441.41
, WL - Mathematics Student $ 1,441.00
, WL - Computer Science Student $ 1,440.00
, WL - Human Development an Student $ 1,440.00
, WL - Engineering Educatio Student $ 1,440.00
, WL - 4Polytechnic Student $ 1,440.00
, WL - Black Cultural Cente Student $ 1,439.43
, WL - Communication Student $ 1,439.14
, FW - 2StuSucTrans Student $ 1,439.05

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Tian, WL - Office of Marketing Student
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Hail, Karen WL - Department of Econom Faculty
Wilburn, Darryl WL - 4CapProg Mgm Service
Tilson, WL - Biochemistry Admin/Prof
Tislow, NC - Mathematics M/P Management
Jordan, Thomas Wl Clerical
Coffey, Carla WL - Global Engineering P Temporary
Tobin, WL - College of Engr Admi Post Doc
Zhang, Xinzheng WL - 4HumanDevFam Support
Tolliver, FW - Purchasing and Suppo Temporary Cler/Serv

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