Employee Group
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Number of people in Faculty Employee Group: 2565
Maximum Salary:$ 497,933.97
Average Salary:$ 134,113.61
Minimum Salary:$ 75.26

Purdue University Salaries for 2018 Page 28 of 86
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Harshvardhan, Harshvardhan WL - 4EAPS Faculty $ 147,180.39
Stiles, Jean WL - 4VetClinSci Faculty $ 147,092.52
Townsend, Wendy M WL - 4VetClinSci Faculty $ 146,985.82
Moore, George E WL - 4Col Vet Med Faculty $ 146,733.54
Miranda, Paolo CAL - 1QuantBusSt Faculty $ 146,718.80
Krane, Matthew J WL - 4Material En Faculty $ 146,704.42
Talavage, Thomas M WL - 4Electrical Faculty $ 146,652.77
Foli, Karen J WL - 4Nursing WL Faculty $ 146,558.93
Bentley, Robin T WL - 4VetClinSci Faculty $ 146,440.56
Park, Kihong WL - 4Comp Sci Faculty $ 146,435.84
Ileleji, Klein WL - 4Ag and Bio Faculty $ 146,409.12
Gallen, Trevor S WL - 4Economics Faculty $ 146,306.69
Hogan, Daniel F WL - 4VetClinSci Faculty $ 146,281.77
Wasynczuk, Oleg WL - 4Electrical Faculty $ 146,261.84
Jenkins, James L WL - 4Schl Cnst M Faculty $ 146,199.08
Aliprantis, Dionysios WL - 4Electrical Faculty $ 146,074.36
Braile, Lawrence W WL - 4EAPS Faculty $ 145,905.59
Sarzosa, Miguel A WL - 4Economics Faculty $ 145,658.57
Brown, Nadia E WL - 4PoliSci Faculty $ 145,635.20
Beck, Alan M WL - 4CmpPathobio Faculty $ 145,575.78
Burg, James E FW - 2ColofProfSt Faculty $ 145,565.17
Choi, Jong Hyun WL - 4MechEng Faculty $ 145,516.54
Abu-mulaweh, Hosni I FW - 2 CME Faculty $ 145,471.11
O'Connell, John FW - 2Vis Perf Ar Faculty $ 145,340.82
Sheffield, John W WL - 4Engr Techn Faculty $ 145,246.36
Hawkins, Jan F WL - 4VetClinSci Faculty $ 145,083.42
Chang Alexander, Stewart C WL - 4ConsSci Faculty $ 145,081.52
Dilkes, Brian WL - 4Biochem Faculty $ 145,029.17
Jang, Soo Cheong WL - 4Hospitality Faculty $ 144,975.65
Adamo, Nicoletta WL - 4Comp Grph Faculty $ 144,952.32

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Arredondo, Christina WL - First Street Towers Faculty
Colwell, Joy WL - 4BOSO Ops facult
Trekles, CAL - 1DeanStud Temporary
Romines, WL - 4Admissions Fellowship Pre Doc
Kregar, WL - 4CPK Support
Steele, James WL - ELRC Operations/Technical
Rodarmel, WL - Biological Sciences Temporary Cler/Serv
Heide, Joni WL - Psychological Scienc Service
Ferry, Karen CAL - 1Bursar Post Doc
Kreisle, WL - Business Ofc Support Continuing Lecturer
Switzer, WL - 4PolyKokomo Student

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