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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Mueller, Amy B WL - Computer Graphics Te Clinical/Research $ 104,539.31
Mueller, Donald W FW - Civil & Mech Eng Faculty $ 98,556.66
Mueller, Glen R WL - Hall of Music Temporary $ 167.40
Mueller, Holly L WL - Nuclear Eng Professional $ 31,913.31
Mueller, Kenneth A WL - PRIME Lab Professional $ 85,398.24
Mueller, Laurie M WL - EM Facility Recharge Professional $ 53,409.48
Mueller, Ralph O CAL - School of Education Faculty $ 194,227.52

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
mueller, WL - Dean of Students Temporary
Levitan, Virginia WL - 4Exploratory Faculty
Maus, WL - 4Bus Ofc Eng Service
Blackman, Denise FW - Printing Services facult
Lombardo, Steven WL - Department of Econom Fire/Police BW Sal
Liu, Yanfei FW - Consumer and Family Sc Mgmt/Prof
Jones, Wesley WL - Forestry M/P Management
Haggerty, Daniel CAL - Athletics Intern
Alvey, Jacob WL - Statistics Admin/Prof
McClish, CAL - Budgets and Payroll Police Hourly
Cai, Yongyong FW - English and Linguist Clerical

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