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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Yagel, Hanna M WL - Emerg Critical Care Service $ 49,846.07

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Yagel, WL - Operations and Mainten Post Doc
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Dekoninck, FW - Vice Chancellor for facult
Krane, Matthew WL - Birck Nanotechnology Student
Widmar, Nicole CAL - Purdue Calumet Wate Faculty
Mittal, Suresh WL - Certificate Program Admin/Prof
Lucas, Linda WL - School of Management Service
Hacker, Thomas WL - TAP/MEP Clerical
Garcia, R Edwin WL - 4Bus Ofc Ed Temporary Cler/Serv
Judy, Suzanne FW - University Relations Mgmt/Prof
Bilionis, Ilias WL - Basic Medical Scienc Support

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