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Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Xia, FW - Printing Services Support
Borneman, Shannon FW - Printing Services Operations/Technical
Semmel, Elizabeth FW - Printing Services Temporary
Lister, Matthew FW - Printing Services Faculty
Linvill, FW - Printing Services Clerical
Kapapa, Laurianne CAL - Managerial Studies facult
McKinney, Nicole WL - Southwest - Purdue A Student
DeVries, Todd WL - Southwest - Purdue A Service
Foster, Ricky WL - Southwest - Purdue A Fire/Police BW Sal
Hudson, WL - Southwest - Purdue A Limited Term Lect
Boersma, Douglas WL - Southwest - Purdue A Admin/Prof

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Crabtree, Kenneth
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