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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Wood, Cory A WL - All American Dining Service $ 30,958.41
Wood, David W WL - Hospitality & To Limited Term Lecture $ 4,320.03
Wood, Richard L WL - Rueff School of Desi Professional $ 40,973.60
Wood, Shannon E CAL - School of Education Visiting Faculty $ 22,508.36
Wood, Vela K WL - Business Office Support $ 34,009.20
Wood, Whitney R WL - Director of Dining Support $ 30,277.05
Wood, William E NC - NC University Police Police Hourly $ 4,290.52
Woodard, Michael A WL - Botany & Plant P Professional $ 67,318.08
Woodard, Tanya L WL - CoLA Admin Support $ 34,654.04
Woodcox, Stephanie G WL - Engagement M/P Professional $ 78,027.12
Woodhams, Wanda E WL - Continuum Café M/P Management $ 35,388.29
Woodmansee, John E WL - Field Extension M/P Professional $ 76,024.92
Woodrow, Daniel J WL - Mathematics Limited Term Lecture $ 9,425.03
Woodruff, Michael A WL - Ground Recharge Oper Service $ 33,174.48
Woodruff, Thomas E WL - Physics & Astron M/P Professional $ 62,827.44
Woods, Christina M FW - Comm Sci & Disor Limited Term Lecture $ 13,099.58
Woods, David R WL - Capital Program Mana M/P Management $ 109,315.20
Woods, Donald FW - FW Building Srvcs Service $ 1,281.15
Woods, Dwayne WL - Political Science Faculty $ 110,135.38
Woods, Melinda M FW - School of Education Support $ 25,916.80
Woods, Sarah J WL - VTH Medical Records Support $ 33,010.82
Woods, Stephen K WL - Infrastructure Professional $ 65,340.96
Woods, Susan B WL - Center Prgm Entp Inn Continuing Lecturer $ 31,285.51
Woodward, Pandora J WL - Field Extension Professional $ 55,930.68
Woodward, Sarah J WL - CoE Admin Support $ 11,818.88
Woodward, William A WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 42,649.45
Woody, Jonathan M WL - Wiley Dining Service $ 17,312.31
Woodyard, Jamie L WL - Pharm Prtc Clinical/Research $ 115,944.84

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Wood, WL - Boiler Television Clerical
Franks, Melissa WL - Libraries Admin Service
Taylor, WL - 4PayrollSvcs Faculty
Powell, Douglas WL - ISS UG Admissions Post Doc
Ruprecht, Karen CAL - 1AdvisingCtr Admin/Prof
Whiteman, Shawn CAL - 1Comm and Crea Fire/Police Mgmt
Schweitzer, WL - 4Const Serv Non-exempt Prof
Tompkins, Glenn NC - VC Information Servi Temporary A/P
Rajendran, Megha WL - Medicinal Chem/Molec Police Hourly
Martin, Anthony WL - New Albany Statewide Student
Schafer, Markus WL - Intercollegiate Athl Mgmt/Prof

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