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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Wong, Jimson H WL - Biological Sciences Post Doc Intern Res $ 37,650.00
Wong, Rebecca L WL - Purdue University St Mgmt/Prof $ 61,792.50
Wong, Ringo WL - Building Services Service $ 2,302.03
Wong, Ten-tsao WL - Animal Sciences Admin/Prof $ 44,198.66

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Wong, CAL - School of Education M/P Professional
St Clair, FW - Special Events Service
Parli, Kevin CAL - Academic Outreach a Faculty
Odom, Laura WL - Wiley Residence Hall Admin/Prof
Niles, WL - Wiley Residence Hall Student
Rapp, Randy WL - Harrison Residence H Clerical
Rhoads, Jeffrey WL - Transportation Servi Temporary
McKenna, Joseph FW - Campus Credentials a Temporary Cler/Serv
Romines, Carrie FW - Campus Safety Limited Term Lect
Russell, Judith WL - Managerial Accountin M/P Management
Moore, WL - Managerial Accountin Mgmt/Prof

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