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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Wlodarczyk, Jaroslaw WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 120,319.70

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Wlodarczyk, WL - Forestry Executive
Bowen, CAL - Construction Scienc Limited Term Lect
Mancing, Howard NC - Heating and Power Student
Fehrman, Sarah WL - Tarkington Residence faculty
Corbitt, Donnal WL - Forestry and Natural Service
Ohlinger, Donald FW - 2VCSA Admin/Prof
Zielinski, WL - 4Police Dept Temporary
Vangorder, Karen FW - Visual and Performing Clerical
VandeVoorde, Eric CAL - Admissions facult
Poore, FW - 2OffofEngage Graduate Student
Brelage, Thomas WL - College of Pharmacy Professional

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