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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Willoughby, Janna R WL - Forestry & Natur Post Doc $ 28,440.17
Willoughby, Mitchell J FW - Special Events Temporary $ 986.77

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Willoughby, CAL - 1Behavior Sc faculty
Race, CAL - 1CollegeEandS Continuing Lecturer
Park, Kangyeob CAL - 1CollegeEandS Temporary Cler/Serv
May, WL - Meredith Residence H Support
Mount, CAL - Department of Biolo Professional
Gregory, Emjai FW - Physical Plant Admin Student
Sinha, FW - Physical Plant Admin Clerical
Sheagley, Larry FW - Information Technolo Admin/Prof
Simmons, FW - Information Technolo Service
Gaisbauer, Mary Catherine FW - Information Technolo M/P Professional
Lacy, Anne WL - Office of Engagement Temporary

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