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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Williamson, Ashley M WL - 4HnrColResid Service $ 679.00
Williamson, John D WL - 4ITIS Admin/Prof $ 50,018.04
Williamson, Ramon L WL - 4ITIS Admin/Prof $ 96,451.56

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Williamson, WL - Energy Management Admin/Prof
Crone, Rachel CAL - 1ISS Faculty
Kellogg, WL - WL WIND RA Clerical
Gusev, WL - 4Treas and CFO facult
Holbert, WL - Computer and Informa Temporary
Crider, WL - Radiological and Envir Service
Crisovan, WL - College of Education Student
Kvam, Eric FW - Physical Plant - Adm Mgmt/Prof
Nelsen, Adam WL - 4EAPS Continuing Lecturer
Jischke, CAL - 1Info Ser Visiting Faculty
Cripe, FW - 2AdminBusSrv Temporary Cler/Serv

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