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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Weng, Hsin-Yi WL - Compar Pathobiology Faculty $ 123,316.26
Wenger, Alice A WL - School of IDIS Support $ 28,533.01
Wenger, Joel WL - Financial Aid M/P Management $ 93,267.06

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Weng, WL - 4CMSC Service
Rand, WL - 4DineCater Support
Kvam, Eric WL - 4Ed Stdy Clerical
Zeigler, WL - 4Electrical Operations/Technical
Mulcrone, WL - 4EAPS Post doc
Vaughn, WL - 4FinAffPrvst faculty
Harman, Sarah WL - Physics Admin/Prof
Quarrar, Parveen WL - 4Col Of Phar Student
Rayford, WL - 4Police Dept facult
Minton, FW - 2 OSP Temporary
Reuhs, Bradley WL - College of Health an Temporary Cler/Serv

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