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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Wayer, John H FW - Student Housing Service $ 20,957.50

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Wayer, WL - Accounting Services Professional
Foresman, Judy WL - Boiler Television Executive
Forbes, Beth NC - Student Counseling Service
Foli, Karen NC - Heating and Power Admin/Prof
Yeoman, Andrea FW - Bursar and Student F Post doc
McDade, Willena WL - Health Sciences Fire/Police Mgmt
Stantz, Keith NC - Admissions Fire/Police BW Sal
Ogiuchi, Sayuri FW - Grounds Fire/Police Admin
Yeoman, Haley CAL - Ofc of Mrktg Clerical
Wilson, Natalie WL - Honors College Operations/Technical
Couetil, Laurent CAL - Graduate School Adm Mgmt/Prof

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