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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Warnock, Cori L NC - Finance Operations/Technical $ 40,271.52

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Warnock, FW - Printing Services Student
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Wasynczuk, Oleg WL - Div of Construction Post Doc
Robinson, WL - Nutrition Science Resident
Lehto, Mark FW - Career Services Temporary
Ma, Donghan WL - Center for Career Op Admin/Prof
Erickson, Kendra WL - Bioinformatics Core Operations/Technical
Xing, Lei FW - Bursar and Student F Fire/Police Mgmt
Midkiff, Samuel WL - Tech Leadership Mgmt/Prof
Claxton, Laura NC - Student Services Professional
Vaughn, Dianna NC - Student Athletics Clerical

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