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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Wanstreet, Elaine K WL - 4Interc Athl Admin/Prof $ 49,216.92

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Wanstreet, FW - 2SchoolofEdu Support
Stewart, Alejia WL - Facility Engineering facult
Utermark, CAL - Student Activities Service
Lamb, Dawn CAL - Athletics Non Pay
romero, Jesus FW - 2Dental Educ Clerical
Redett, David WL - College of Technolog Admin/Prof
Lamb, Dawn WL - College of Technolog Faculty
Wang, Yuxiang WL - Ofc of Provost Admin Operations/Technical
Waugh, WL - Office of the Provos Mgmt/Prof
Evans, Candice WL - Office of the Provos Resident
Hambrusch, WL - Office of Engagement Clinical/Research

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