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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Walls, Elwood K WL - Biological Sciences Continuing Lecturer $ 52,513.02
Walls, Marlene G WL - Ctr:Ed and Rsrch:Info Operations/Technical $ 47,973.86
Walls, Michael K WL - Speech Language and Service $ 21,849.27

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Kaliakin, WL - Animal Sciences Faculty
Walls, WL - Forestry and Natural Admin/Prof
Popa, Kevin WL - Hall of Music Operat Operations/Technical
Taylor, WL - Board of Trustees Temporary Cler/Serv
Talsma, CAL - Education Opportuni Student
Mullen, Bill WL - Office of Engagement Professional
Brewer, Jeffrey FW - Accounting and Finan facult
Light, Michael NC - College of Technolog M/P Management
Parli, Kevin CAL - Electrical Clerical
Foster, WL - Mathematics Temporary
Begley, Jill WL - Housing and Food Ser Graduate Student

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