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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Vinson, Nicole M CAL - 1OffFinAid Clerical $ 36,007.74

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Pilger, WL - Department of Health facult
Vinson, WL - Department of Health Admin/Prof
Nemec, Aaron WL - Department of Food S Temporary
Martin, Amber WL - Honors College Faculty
Vargas, Andres WL - Department of Food S Limited Term Lect
McKee, WL - Department of Econom Student
Smoldt, WL - Department of Econom Graduate Student
Bartholomew, Sarah WL - Department of Econom Management
Snuggs, Thelma WL - Department of Econom Service
Ludwig, Bobbi WL - Department of Econom Mgmt/Prof
Tembras, Daniel WL - Department of Econom Temporary A/P

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