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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Villegas, Hermelinda WL - Building Services Service $ 22,486.60
Villegas, Jesus CAL - International Progr Continuing Lecturer $ 55,749.47
Villegas-Pico, Hugo N WL - 4Electrical Post Doc Intern Res $ 39,899.44

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Villegas, WL - WL Owen RA Admin/Prof
Lockard, Phyllis FW - Alumni Relations Clerical
Neher, Susan WL - Government Relations Faculty
Depew, WL - WL FST Housing Student
Teel, Angela CAL - Academic Quality and Management
Knotts, Marcus WL - Business Opportunity Operations/Technical
Lipton, Mark WL - Right/Conduct/Grad Continuing Lecturer
Coar, Stacey FW - 2Odv Fellowship Pre Doc
Neary, Michael FW - DSBMS Student Adv Ce Mgmt/Prof
Linder, Eydie WL - Boiler Success Team facult
Li, Jingzhe FW - Administrative Busin Limited Term Lect

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