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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Vansickle, Beth A WL - Field Extension Educ Admin/Prof $ 52,050.36
VanSickle, Gina N WL - Business Office VPR Admin/Prof $ 44,818.98
Vansickle, Marcella WL - School of Management Operations/Technical $ 38,946.69

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Vansickle, WL - Data Processing Faculty
Meyer, Robert WL - VP for Teaching Mgmt/Prof
Guerrero, WL - The Energy Center Admin/Prof
Bras, Heejeon WL - Athletic Computing facult
Yngve, WL - English Post Doc Intern Res
Varma, Meghna WL - VTH Medical Records Fellowship Pre Doc
Brooks, Aimee FW - 2StudInfoSys Continuing Lecturer
Chamberlain, WL - Nursing Limited Term Lect
Smith, Julie WL - Butler Center Operations/Technical
Abernathy, WL - Business Office Enga Student
Hart, William WL - Westwood Food Trans Professional

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