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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Vale, Brittany A WL - VTH Medical Records Management $ 54,183.74
Valencia-Martinez, Gerardo D WL - IT Student Solutions Professional $ 88,299.24
Valentine, April CAL - Ofc of Global Engag Professional $ 60,614.04
Valentine, Noah L WL - WL CQ RA Professional $ 18,751.06
Valentine, Samantha K WL - WL CQ Admin Support $ 11,325.23
Valero Pena, Ana Isabel WL - Language & Cult Continuing Lecturer $ 48,490.88

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Vale, WL - 4LdrshpDev Graduate Student
Kritchevsky, CAL - Registrar Clerical
Ritchie, Dennis WL - Plant Science Mgmt Post Doc
Huser, Brooke WL - 4EPICS Service
Wardle, Lee FW - Visual and Performing facult
Kersey High, NC - Nursing BS Program faculty
Lindshield, Stacy FW - Sociology Management
Lininger, FW - Chemistry Temporary
Stremke, Ryan Wl Support
Krohne, WL - Native American Educ Operations/Technical
McNelly Valladares, Carla WL - 4CMSC Admin/Prof

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